środa, 26 grudnia 2007


Musze wam cos powiedziec.. Otoz, tegoroczne swieta bozego narodzenia uwazam za udane. Powiem wiecej, swietnie sie bawilam. I pomimo chwil kiedy bylo mi smutno lub kiedy nie moglam sie ruszac z przejedzenia i jeczalam z bolu, to naprawde kurdziu mac byly to fajne swieta!
--I need to tell you something.. I consider this year Christmas successful. Ill tell you more, I had great fun. And nevertheless there were moments when I was sad, or when I couldnt move cause I ate too much, and I was moaning out of pain, it was fricken nice and fun Christmas!
Na wigilie zostalam w domu. Mialam kilka zaproszen w inne miejsca, ale stwierdzilam ze ten domek to nie tylko Maciej, ale i rowniez Tomek i Czapla ktorzy sa w koncu moimi przyjaciolmi, i nie bede robic scen i zostane z nimi. Tomasz sie nagotowal, zrobil kilka naprawde w paszke dan. Troche za duzo zjadlam wiec przez jakas godzine stekalam z bolu. Nie moglam sie ruszac, wiec poprostu sobie postekiwalam. Jak mi juz przeszlo to byla wodka i martini martini. nastepnie zrobilo mi sie troszke smutno z wiadomej przyczyny, ktora siedziala dokladnie naprzeciwko mnie, wiec poszlam sobie zwyczajnie spac i zasnelam jak zaczarowana.
--I stayed home for Christmas Eve. I got some invitations to my friends houses, but I figured that this house it is not only Maciej, but Tomek and Czapla aswell, who are my friends, so Im not gonna make scenes, and Ill stay for them. Tomek cooked a lot. Some quite really tasty stuff. I ate a bit too much so for like an hour I was just moaning. I couldnt move at all, so I was just sitting and being in pain. When I got over it there was some vodka, and martini martini. Next I got a bit upset, b/c of everyone knows what reason, that was sitting in front of me, so I went to bed and felt asleep like enchanted.
W pierwsze swieto nie dzialala zadna komunikacja miejska. Umowilam sie u znajomych na Ratmines na 5, wiec zaraz po przebudzeniu, ok godziny 3 wyruszylam do nich piechtom. Po drodze zabawiono mnie polaczeniem telefonicznym z samej Polski, ba, z samych Szamotul. Moj brat nawet zamienil ze mna slow pare. Szalenie mile to bylo wszystko. ;] Do Łukaszow dotarlam w sumie w godzinke. Przywitano mnie w progu z chlebem i sola i kielonkiem. A potem bylo wiecej kielonkow... I chociaz nie jestem wielka fanka komikow i takich takich, to zasiedlismy do ogladania pana brzuchomowcy i musze przyznac ze poskladam sie ze smiechu. Peanut, mnie rozmiotl. Sa Nata A Naaa! Zobaczcie sami. Eh. Nastepnie potuptalam do Seby. U Seby byly papierosy, ploteczki i scrabble. Poszlismy sobie tez na spacerek po wyludnionym Dublinie. Potem gadalismy do pozna w wyrku o glupotach. Rano znowu scrable, wiecej glupot, historie o kucykach pony, jak najlepiej wybielic sobie zabki, teledyski Britney, zabawy z wlosami i winoooo..
--On the 25th, there was no public transportation. I was suposed be at my friends house in Rathimens at 5, so just after I woke up, at around 3 I left my place and just walked there. On my way I was entartained with a phonecall from Poland, moreover from Szamotuly. Even my brother talked with me for a sec. And all that was very nice. ;] I got to my friends after an hour, I was welcomed in the door with a bread, salt and a wet. And in the inside there was more of them... And eventhough Im not a big fun of comedian shows and stuff like that, we watched a ventriloquist show, and I need to admit, it was fricken awesome. Peanut, was the best. Sa Nata A Naaa! Have a look yourself. Eh. Next I walked to Sebastians. There were some cigarettes, gossips and scrabble. We went for a walk as well, around depopulated Dublin. Then we chatted to the very late about all kind of shit. In the morning more scrabble, more shitchat, stories about ponies, how to whiten the teeth, Britneys videos, some fun with hair, and vineee.
Pieknie wloski ma Seba, co nie ? ;]
Beautiful hair he`s got,doesnt he? ;]
Wieczorem skoczylam jeszcze na pifko sobie con mi amigo Curro y Juan tambien. I troche jestem wstawiona. To wino rano, a potem piwo... Ojoj. Posprzatalam pieknie pokoj, bo wiecie co... ;] hahaha, jutro wpada Tomasz do mnie z samej Polski !! Ah, jaki sie ciesze. Rozlozylam mu juz materacyk na podlodze w mojej izbie, wypralam nawet jakies przescieradlo. Jutro w zasadzie pracuje, ale od piatku mam ok tydzien wolnego, wiec bedziemy zwiedzac, jezdzic, pstrykac, smiac sie, i rzucac wlosami. Nie moge sie doczekac!!
--At night I went to have a pint with my friend Curro and Juan aswell. I need to day Im a bit screwed at the moment. This vine in the morning and than beer.. Anyways, I cleaned my room, b/c guess what...;], aaahaha, tomorow Tomasz from Poland is comming!! OMG, Im so glad. I put a mattress in my chamber for him already. Actually Im working tomorow, but since Friday Im off for like a week, so we will be seeing sights, going around, taking photos, laughing, and sway our hair. Im so excited !!

Kochani, zyczenia beda... ;] Na ten nadchodzacy Nowy Rok jak i rowniez na kazde kolejne lata... Przyjaciol !! Bo zdaje sie ze bez faceta [tudziez dziewczyny] to mozna zyc, ale bez przyjaciol to dopiero by sie wszystko posypalo.... Tego wam zyczy Zosia i zaspany Sebus.
--Guys, for rhe New Year, and for the next ones as well ... friends!! Because apparently without a boyfriend [or a girlfriend] it is possible to live, but without friends, life would really break apart. Zosia & sleeping beauty - Seba.
p.s. Postaram sie juz nie zarzucac tu takimi sentymentalnymi tekstami wiecej. Juz pewnie wystarczy, co nie ? A tak w ogole, to jutro z ranca odbieram paczuszke co mi tatko z siostra przyslali. Ha ! ;]
p.s. Ill try not to put anymore of that kind of sentimental stuff in here. I guess it is a time to get over it now. And by the way, tomorow in the morning Im going to the post office to get a parcel my daddy and sis have sent me. Ha ! ;]

sobota, 22 grudnia 2007

the dragon

Jak zobaczylam wczoraj Sebastiana ze swoim czarnym kolega to dopiero uwierzylam ze geje istnieja naprawde.
When I saw Sebastian with his black friend last night, I just believed that gay people exist for real.

czwartek, 20 grudnia 2007

jenga jenga...

Kurcze jak to bylo dawno, ale jak bylo super. ;] Martini i jenga.
A while ago, but so much fun.. Martini and jenga.
zofia magik. zofia the magician.

A potem przyszedl Dzbanek rowniez. Dzban was there aswell.
Martini martini.
My super ex-boyfriend.
Panie Gwiazdorku, poprosze jenge pod choinke. Super jest. Taka jenge to kazdy powienien miec w posiadaniu. Tak uwazam. Elo. No i martini ofkors.
Dear Santa, I would like a jenga for Christmas. It is great. Everyone should have one. I think so. And martini aswell. Ofcourse.

sleepless in dublin

Malo sypiam ostatnio. Doszlam jednak do wniosku ze lepiej chodzic zaspana i zmeczona anizeli zdolowana. Mam to szczescie miec wokol siebie ludzi ktorzy dbaja o mnie. ;]
I dont sleep much recently. I figured that it is better to be sleepy and tired instead of being depressed. Im lucky enough to have people around who take care of me. ;]
Po zamknieciu bardzo bardzo nie chcialo mi sie wracac do domu. Wskoczylam wiec do Luasa i pojechalam do Debory i Curro. Wsunelismy wspolnie kolacje -Curro zrobil hiszpanskiego omleta. Pyszny byl. Nie powiedzialam mu jednak tego, z nieznanych nikomu powodow nie potrafie mowic o jedzeniu. Poprostu je wcinam. Anyways... Debora poszla spac, a Curro i Zofia poszli do Odeona. Nie mialam kompletnie planow na zadna impreze tego dnia, malo tego, rano mialam jechac do pracy rowerem, wiec mialam na sobie wycierusy, starego tiszerta, golf i trampy z dziurami... Wyladowalam w clubie z umcy umcy muzyka, wokol mnie biegaly pol nagie irlandki, a ja tej koszulince ktora nosilam juz chyba z 3 dzien... Bylo super! ;] Wrocilam do domku ok4, a ok7 wstalam do pracy...
After closing I didnt feel like going back home at all. So I jumped into Luas and went to Deboras and Curros. We ate dinner together. Curro prepared a typical spanish omlet. It was very tasty. I didnt tell him that though. God one knows why, but Im not capable of talking about food. I just consume it. Anyways.. Debora went to bed, and Curro and Zofia went to Odeon. I didnt have any plans of going out that day, moreover, I was suposed to ride my bike in the morning, so I was wearing my shity jeans, and old tshirt, and my convers with holes... I was in this fancy club, half naked drunk irish beauties where running around... and me there in this crappy tshirt I wore for 3 day maybe.... I had so much fun anyways! ;] I was back home around 4, and around 7 I got up to work..
Bylo ciezko, ale wesolo. Po pracy chcialam sie przespac, ale jakos tak wyszlo ze tylko sie przebralam i pojechalam do miasta. W moich sexi czerwonych butkach udalam sie wraz z Seanem do Sebastiana. Pilismy, rozmawialismy o penisach, obgadywalismy nasze kolezanki z pracy a potem poszlismy do Dragona. Sebastian oczywiscie z ta swoja skrecona kostka ledwo mogl chodzic.... taaa, ale na parkiecie kurde rzadzil. Pilam pyszne drinki, krecilam tylkiem i dobrze sie bawilam. Wrocilam taksoweczka do domu okolo 4, okolo 9 wstalam do pracy...
It was hard, but fun. After work I was suposed to get a nap, but somehow I just changed and went to the city center. In my sexi shoes along with Sean we went to visit Sebastian. We drunk, talked about penises, about our friends from work and after all that we went to the Dragon. Sebastian with his twisted knuckle could barely walk of course... yea... he was fucking amasing on the dance floor again. I was drinking tasty drinks, dancing like crazy, and had a very good time. I came back home around 4 and around 9 I got up for work...
Bylo bardzo wesolo.. ;]
It was very funny at work. ;]
W poniedzialek po pracy tez wyladowalam na miescie, ale to sie nie udalo. Chyba bylam zbyt zmeczona, i nie moglam. Wrocilam do domu, rozplakalm sie i napisalam rozne smutne rzeczy na blogu.
On monday I hapened to be in the city center as well after work, but it didnt work that time. I guess I was too tired, and I just couldnt. I came back home, cried and wrote a sad entry on my blog.
A we wtorek przyszla wyplata. ;];];] Po pracy wrac z Debora i Curro udalismy sie na drinka do Winters. Pierwszy raz w zyciu pilam tekile! Byla tez anyzoweczka i takie takie... DJ gral fajna muzyke to sobie podylalismy, bylo troche zamowionych piosenek zarowych. ;];] Musze przyznac ze.. no ze sie upilam tak dosc zdrowo. Przez 5 min probowalam zapalic papierosa, ale nie moglam.. bo odpalalam go ze zlej strony. Nigdy mi sie jeszcze to nie przytrafilo. Zenada. Okolo 4 nad ranem jedlismy jeszcze pizze u nich w domu na kuchennej podlodze. A o 9 Zofia wstala do pracy... ;]
On tuesday we got paid. ;];] After work along with Debora and Curro we went for a pint at winters. For the first time in my life I drunk tecquila. DJ was playinig nice music, so we danced, there were some zara songs ordered by me. ;] I need to admit, I was quite a bit drunk. For maybe like 5 minutes I was trying to light my cigaret, but I couldnt... cause I was trying from the other side. Embarassing. It has never hapened to me before. Around 4 a clock we having pizza on the kitchen floor in their place. And at around 9 I got up to work.. ;]

I tak bedzie dalej i wiecej i mocniej. Bo jutro night out con Debora, w sobote christmas party, a niedziele bingo w Dzordzu... i tak dalej i tak dalej..
Dziwnie sie z tym wszystkim czuje. Z jednej strony jestem zalamana ze Maciej mnie zostawil, z drugiej, staram sie to zabic, zabawa, ciaglym wychodzeniem a potem zmeczeniem.. Ani jedno ani drugie nie jest tym czym bylam wczesniej. Jestem taka troszke zagubiona w samej sobie... Nie wiem jak to wytlumaczyc. Ciesze sie jednak ze mam tu przyjaciol ktorzy sa gdy ich potrzebuje. Naprawde mam bardzo duzo wsparcia od znajomych z pracy. No i oczywiscie od moich frendsow z Polski. Dziekuje wam za to z calego serca. CMOK CMOK ! Kocham was.
And it will be more of this. Cause tomorow night out with Debora, on saturday christmas party, and on sunday bingo at George.. etc etc...
I feel very weird about all this. I feel devastated because Maciej has left me, and Im trying to kill that feeling by partying, going out, and being tired after that.. But neither depression, or partying so hard, are not any of what I was before it had hapened. Im a bit lost in myself I guess. I dont know how to explain it. Im very glad Ive got friends around me. I really got a lot, A LOT of suport from my friends from work. And from the ones from Poland as well. I need to thank you guys for that. From the bottom of my heart. CMOK CMOK ! I love you.

poniedziałek, 17 grudnia 2007

I never liked Christmas, actually, I always hated it..
I thought that the worst Christmas ever is behind me already, and now it will be just better..
But I was very wrong.
Who could of expect, that the only person I really cared about so much, doesn't want me for this Christmas, or ever ever again.
And now we are closing door behind each other, so we don't have to see each other faces, or even say hi.
Plus, the songs are not helping, cause yes, "all I want for Christmas is you" ...

środa, 12 grudnia 2007

shirt size XL ? sorry we dont have..

Powiedzialam dzisiaj jednemu panu, ze skoro XXL jest za duza, a XL nie mamy, to niech kupi L, pomimo ze troszke jest za ciasna... -bedzie to dobry powod aby zrzucic troche tego brzuszka co pan tam nosi. ;]

I told one customer, that since XXL is way to big, and we dont have XL, that maybe he should get L, eventhough it is a bit tight... -it would be a good reason to loose some of that big belly ;]

niedziela, 9 grudnia 2007

to tak bardzo bardzo boli... (it hurts so much...)

.. ze nie moge chodzic.
W sobote po pracy, pojechalam do domku Sebastiana gdzie juz wszystkie geje czekaly. Tam sie przebralam, troszke umalowalam, przywdzialam butki. Niestety nikt nie byl juz wstanie przykleic mi sztucznych rzesow, a ja sama nie potrafilam, wiec poprostu sobie moje wlasne ostro potraktowalam zalotna zalotka. Pojechalismy do Dragona. Troszke bylam w smutnym nastroju, ale Przmeek mnie ladnie chwycil za raczke, oprowadzil, pokazal, przytulil i powiedzial ze jestem piekna. Pomoglo. Muzyka byla umcy umcy, ale dawalam rade. W moich boskich sexi czerwonych na obcasie butkach. Bylo sporo ludzi z pracy, Paddy kupil mi drinka, poprosilam o cos co bede mogla pic dlugo i dostalam iced tea ze wszystkim -jak mi to wytlumaczyl. Bylo pycha, po dwoch wymiatalam na parkiecie. Oczywiscie przy Sebastianie to i tak nie mialam szans, bo on to tam poprostu rzadzil, kolo sie rusza jak zawodowy tancerze, no boski jest, gwiazda a do tego kowboj. ;]
Wszyscy mi mowili ze bosko wygladam, i to bylo super mile, niektorzy sie gapili czy pod ta przezroczysta bluska mam w ogole stanik, i to bylo zabawne.
Pod koniec zaczely mnie stopki bolec, do autobusu doszlam jeszcze jakos... o dziwo bo to kawal drogi byl. W autobusie chyba mi stopu poprostu spuchly, bo jak wysiadlam to nie bylam wstanie dwoch krokow zrobic. Wiec zdjelam moje pantofelki, ale to wcale nie bylo dobrym rozwiazaniem, bo po asfalcie sie nie przyjemnie biega z takimi obalalymi stopami. Wiec usiadlam na murku, rozpakowalam torebke i przywidzialm trampeczki. Najlepsze buty na swiecie. ;]
Jak polozyoam sie do lozka jeszcze Curro zadzwonil, powiedzialam "Hola!", on powiedzial "Hola!" i sie rozlaczyl, a Zofia zasnela.
A chodzic do dzisiaj nie moge. W pracy wszyscy ze mnie lali, a to proprostu boli, chodzenie tak bardzo boli...

p.s. mam randke z drwalem lesnikiem !! Czyz to nie bajkowe !?

.. that I cant even walk.
Saturday after work I went to Sebastians house where all the gays were waiting. Ive changed over there, did a bit of make up, and put my lovely shoes on. Unfortunately nobody was ablea nymore to put the fake eyelashes on me, and I just dont know how, so I had to simply curle them up a lot. We went to Dragon. I was in a little bit of unhappy humor, but Przemek holded my hand, showed me around, gave a big hug and said Im beautifull. It helped. The music was umcy umcy, but I was doing great, in my sexi red high heels. There was a lot of people from work. Paddy bought me a drink. I asked for something that I can drink long. So I got some kind of Iced Tea, with a mix of everything -like he explained. It was delicious, after two I was crazy on the danceflor. Of course next to Sebastian I had no chance -he moves like a profesional dancer, he is a fucking star, and moreover a cowboy! ;]
Everybody was telling me that I look gorgeous, and that was very nice, some people were staring at my see throw top wondering if Im wearing a bra, and that was very funny.
Towards the end my feet started to hurt. Somehow I managed to get my nitelink bus, eventhoght it was quite far. In the bus my feet were probobly just swelling, cause when I got off, I couldnt walk at all. I took my shoes off, but it wasnt a good idea either, cause it hurts to walk barefoot on the street when your feet are all swollen. So I sat, unpack my pers, and put on my convers snickers, the best shoes on earth. ;]
I went to bed and Curro called. I said "Hola!", he said "Hola!" and hang up, and Zofia feel asleep.
And cant walk today. At work everybody was laughing at me, but it just hurts to walk...

p.s. Ive got a date with forester woodcutter !! Isnt that fabulous !?

sobota, 8 grudnia 2007

Naprawde nie wiem co powiedziec...
... wiec nie powiem.

Zimno jest, spalam dzisiaj w dresie i szaliku !!
Dzisiaj urodziny Sebatiana w Dragonie, wielka impreza, nie chce mi sie isc, ale wszyscy mi kaza, no to ide. I bede piekna.
A tu Zofia suszy wlosy grzejniczkiem, bo musielismy wyjsc za 10 min i Tomek wpadl na taki genialny pomysl. ;]

I really dont know what to say...
... so I wont say anything.

It is cold, I was sleeping in my sweatshirt today and a scarf !!
Tonite is Sebastian b-day in Dragon, big party, I dont feel like going, but everyone is telling me to go, so Im going. And Im going to be beautifull.
And here Zosia is drying her hair with a little heater. He had to leave in 10 minutes so Tomek had this geniuos idea. ;]

piątek, 30 listopada 2007

kilka refleksji z pracy

1. Jestem beznadziejnym sprzedawca. ;] Gdyby ktorys z menagerow uslyszal co ja czasami mowie do klientow to by mnie z miejsca wywalil. Wczoraj jednemu panu bardzo podobala sie jedna kurteczka. Nie mielismy jego rozmiaru i zastanawial sie czy nie wziasc tej rozmiar mniejeszej. Ktora byla mu tytke za mala. Ciasno w niej troche wygladal. Powiedzialam mu, ze nie powinien wydawac kasy na cos w czym ledwie jest w stanie sie ruszyc nie wspominajaac o wlozeniu grubszego swetra. Nie kupil. Wieczorem menager nazekal ze malo zarobilismy i jak to mozliwe, bo tyle bylo ludzi.

1. Im a horible sales assistant. ;] If any of my menagers would have heard what I say to the customers sometimes, I would be fired right away. Yesterday one guy liked this coat a lot, but we didnt have his size. He was considering getting the smaler one. He looked a bit tight in it though. I told him, that he shouldnt waste his money on a cout that he is barely able to move in, not mentioning wearing a thicker jumper. He didn buy it. That nite the menager was complaning that we didnt make a target, and how is that possible since, we had so many customers..

2. Straszne mile jest to jak ludzie doceniaja moja prace. Ostatnio jeden taki irlandzki drechol przybiegl z drugiego konca sklepu [gdzie byla kasa] co by mi podziekowac za to ze mu pomoglam. Albo innym razem przyszedl jeden chlopak i poprosil MNIE konkretnie o rade bo ostatnio mu tak dobrze powiedzialam. No i mu tak poradzilam ze nic nie kupil. Bo znowu plaszcz byl za maly. Strasznie mi bylo przykro. No ale chlopak podziekowal za szczerosc. Iiiiii jeszcze dzis taka pozytywna sytuacja. Pomagalam panu z wyborem marynarki, bo nie znal kompletnie swojego rozmiaru. I mi sie zapytal z czego sie tak ciesze. A ja mu powiedzialam ze nie pracuje dlugo w branzy ciuchowej. I ze na rozmairach tez sie nie znam jakos super. A dalam mu 52 i pasowalo odrazu idalenie. I powiedzialam mu ze po prostu strasznie mnie to cieszy. I pan powiedzial ze jego rowniez to cieszy.;] Dobralismy spodenki i pan klient nabyl fajny komplecik.

2. It is incredibly nice when people appreciate your work. Recently one of those irish knacekrs came from the other side of the store, where the cash desk is, just to thank me for finding a cardigan for him. Or other time, there was this customer who ask ME for an advice, becasue last time I helped him so good. So I gave him an advice and he got nothing. Becasue the coat was too small again. I felt sad. But the guy thanked for being honest at least. Aaaand, today it was very nice.. when I was helping this guy to find a blazer, cause he didnt know his size. He asked me why am I laughing, and I said that I dont work in clothes trade too long, and I dont know much about sizes either, and I said that it is basically making me very happy that I gave him size 52 and it fits perfectly. He said that he is happy about it as well. ;] We found a trausers as well, and he got a nice outfit.

3. Zostalam poderwana w windzie! Wracalam z magazynu, wsiadlam do windy. Drzwi juz sie zamykaly, ale jakas meska reka je w ostatniej chwili zatrzymala.... Wsiadl kolo ktorego znam z widzenia bo pracuje tez w dundrumie. Pan Wegier. I pojechalismy sobie winda milczac. Wysiadlam na swoim pietrze. I nagle Pan Wegier mnie wola. Odwracam sie, a on stal oparty tak smiechowo zawadiacko o drzwi windy, i mowi do mnie "can I ask you a stupid question?". A ja ze "sure" wiadomo. Na co Pan Wegier "Do you have a boyfriend?". [wiedzialam.] "That was not a stupid question ;] and I do have a boyfriend". " He is a very lucky men then". "Yes he is, indeed". Ah, jaka rozesmiana wrocilam do sklepu. ;] A dzisiaj przyszedl taki tez staly klient ktorego zawsze z Sebastianem ubieramy. Wybralalismy razem kilka koszul a potem pan Klient Michal z pod warszawy zaprosil mnie na kawe i to bylo bardzo mile. ;]

3. I got passed in an elevator! I was on my way back from the stockroom, I got on the elevator. The door were closing allready, when some men hand stopped it... That was a guy who I know just because he works for the shopping center. Mister from Hungary. So we were on our elevator ride being all quiet. I got off on my flor. And sudenly Mister Hungary called me. I turned back, and he was standing there in his flirty pose holding the elevators door and says to me "can I ask you a stupid question?" And I said "sure" of course. And then he goes "do you have a boyfriend?" [I knew it.] " thats not a stupid question ;] and I do have a boyfriend". "he is a very lucky men then". "yes, he is, indeed". I came back to the store with a huge smile on my face. ;] And today there was this regular customer in Zara, we picked some shirt for him, and than Mister Regular Customer from around Warsaw invited me for a cup of caffee, and that was very nice. ;]

4. I po hiszpansku gadam w pracy i mnie to cieszy. ;] Que passa mariquita !? ;]

4. And I speak some spanish at work as well, and i love it. ;] Que passa mariquita !? ;]


czwartek, 29 listopada 2007


Czytam polska boska literature. Zaczelam potop i w ogole wszyscy ze mnie leja bo przezywam. Kmicic porwal Olenke !! A wczoraj pojedynkowal sie z malym rycerzem i oszalalam, bo on powiedzial "koncz wasc, wstydu oszczedz" ! Ja nie wiedzialam ze to z potopu. Jak to fantastycznie odkrywac ciagle nowe rzeczy, ktore rzekomo wszyscy naokolo znaja. Musze sobie w ogole filmik obejrzec bo ponoc mlody Olbrychski tam piekny jest. I przypomina mi sie jak kiedys moja sis, ogladala ten film, jak byla w liceum i jak przezywala ze on jak tam w karczmie jadl to mu sie wszystko lalo po brodzie. Musze to zobaczyc. ;]

YYyyy, there is really no point in translating this entry, cause basically, if you dont speak Polish, you probobly have no clue who Sienkiewicz is, and probobly you havent heard about his trylogia at all either. But Im reading this at the moment, and I enjoy it. And maybe you should read it once as well. Although I dont know if it was ever translated in English. ;]

poniedziałek, 26 listopada 2007

Travel Itinerary


From Dublin(DUB) to Poznan(POZ)
Tue, 08Jan08 Flight FR1974 Depart DUB at 16:15 and arrive POZ at 19:55

do zoba ! ;]
cu ! ;]

Byla super impreza !! .. (The party was great !!..)

.. ale Zofia nie dotarla. Zajmowalam sie dziecmi wieczorem. I rodzice wrocili pozniej, o wiele pozniej niz zwykle. Zamiast o polnocy,wrocili okolo 2. A okazalo sie ze w Irlandii zamykaja wszystkie kluby o 2, co by sie mlodziez zabardzo nie spila. Wiec Zofia, z pieknie zrobionymi wlosami, mejkapem,no i w tych sexi butach... przeszla sie do glownej drogi, zlapala taksowke i taka piekna pojechala do domu. ;]
Za dwa tygodnie jendakze Sebastain wyprawia urodzinki, w Dragonie. No i mam ten wieczor zabukowany. Zadnych dzieci, a nastepnego dnia wolne. Nie mam problemu z tym w co na siebie wloze, bo wszystko gotowe, sprawdzone, wiec spoko...jeszcze doczekacie sie zdjec z rzesami. ;];]

.. But Zosia didnt come. I was babysitting kids that nite, and their parents came much later than usually. Instead of midnight, they were back around 2. And aperently the clubs are all closed in Ireland at that time, so stupid irish teens cant get to drunk. Soo Zosia with the hair all done, make up and those my sexi shoes ... walked a bit to get a taxi, and being to beautifulll went home. ;]
Although, in 2 weeks time Sebastian is having a b-day party, in Dragon. Ive got this nite booked. No babysitting, and next day Ive got off. I know already what Im gonna wear, everything readdy, checked, so its cool... you will see the photos with my fake eyelashes afterall. ;]

sobota, 24 listopada 2007

long time no seen... -->nic nie dziala :/

Najpierw odlaczyli nam neta na chwile bo costam. Zaraz potem zepsul sie komputer. Maciej probowal uratowac nasze dane zgrywajac je na swojego ipoda ktory w zasadzie tez potem sie zepsul. Teraz komp niby dziala ale jednak nie bo nie ma obrazu. Moj ipod tez umarl, a dzisiaj rano nawet kurka depilator!
Tak wiec z tych i innych przyczyn sie nie odzywalam bardzo dlugo. Tak w ogole to u nas wszystko pieknie. Praca w zarze mi sie podoba. W zasadzie to czasem jest straaaasznie smiesznie. Sebastian, moja najlepsza przyjaciolka, poprostu wymiata. Dzisiaj wieczorem jest impreza zarowa, zegnamy Methew ktory leci sobie do Australii, no i jest wielka impreza. Sebastian postanowil sie mna "zajac" i zabral mnie na zakupy. Nabylam piekne czerwone obcasy, i prawie przezroczysta bluske. No nie moge sie po prostu doczekac tej imprezy, to bedzie przezabawne, ja w tych butach, pijana, probujaca chodzic, albo nawet olaboga tanczyc. Napewno wrzuce jakies foty jak bede miala. Ah, no i sztuczne rzesy mam ponoc tez wdziac na siebie. No poprostu cala latam z podekscytowania.

At first they switched off internet for some reason. Just after that my computer broke. Maciej was trying to save our files by putting them on his ipod, that broke a while later as well. Now the computer works, but actually screen doesnt, so i can see nothing. My ipod died as well, and today morning even my depilator!
So, there you go, from those and some other reasons, I havent been writting here much. In general everything is beautifull here with us. I enjoy a lot working in Zara. Actually sometimes it soooo much fun. Sebastian my best girlfriend is absolutelly hilarious. Tonite there is a Zara party, we`re saying goodbye to Mathew who is going to Australia. Sebastian decided to "take care" of me and took me to do some shoppings. I got wonderfull red high heels, and almost see throw top. And I cant seriously wait to the party, im so excited!, it is going to be extra funny, me in those shoes, drunk, trying to walk, and even dance. I will put some photos here if I had some. Oh, and Im suposed to wear fake eye lashes as well. :D haha !

Bylismy z Maciejem jakis czas temu w ogrodzie botanicznym. Wreszcie nam sie udalo tam po roku dotrzec. Ostatnio,czyli w zeszle lato doszlismy do jakiegos cmentarza i stwierdzilismy ze dalej nam sie nie chce isc, okazalo sie jednak ze ogrod botaniczny byl tuz za plotem. No nic to. Udalo nam sie teraz. Pogoda bylo nawet dajaca rade. Piekne slonce tylko zimno troszke. Byly wiewioreczki, i ptaszki i w ogole przyjemnie. ;];]

We went to the botanic garden with Maciej the other day. Finally after a year we did it. Last time, which was last summer, we got to the old cementery and didnt feel like going any more, well the botanic garden was actually just behind one fence. Anyways, we got there this year. The weather was even quite nice. Beautifull sun, but a bit chilly. There were some squirrels, and birds, and it was nice in general...;];]

Maciejowi bardzo spodobala sie wystawa traw. Byl nia poprostu zachwycony. A tak nawiasem to moj chlopak zaczyna trenowac jujitsu. ;]
Maciej liked a lot an exibition of grases. He couldnt get over it. And by the way, my boyfriend started to do jujitsu. ;]
A Zofia przytulala drzewa.
And I was hugging tries.
I kaczki byly i piekna jesien, no super romantic.
And ducks were there as well, beautifull fall, super romantic.
I zielony mosteczek, ktory sie wprawdzie nie uginal ale prowadzil do ogrodu rozanego ;];]
And green bridge, leading to the rose garden.
Pozdro600 paszczaki!
Ide sie bawic. Wlasnie umalowalam paznokcie i dwa paznogcie. Z kciukami zawsze najgorzej...
CU guys!
Im going to have fun now, I just painted my nails, the thumbs are always the worst...

piątek, 2 listopada 2007

poszli z dywanem.

Ha! Poszli, zabrali dywan, pianino, zostawili duzo mleka i swiety spokoj! Po wielkiej dwudniowej imprezie Micka pan landlord sie zdenerwowal i nas wywalil. I nikt mu sie w sumie nie dziwil. Przez 2 tyg sie stresowalismy ze nie mamy gdzie mieszkac, szukalismy chatki i tak bylo niepewnie...[a karoli i tomkowi nic nie mowilam co by ich nie stresowac,bo w koncu przylatuja do mnie na sylwka;)] Na koniec okazalo sie ze mozemy jednak zostac tu gdzie jestesmy, tylko Mick i Declan [teflon] musza sie wyprowadzic. Na ich miejsce wskakuje 21letni Czapla z Zar, malo tego -z lemona! ;]
Tak wiec jesli ktos pranie uczynic jakos korespondencje, oto adres. Ktory taki sam pozostanie do stycznia.

Zosia Jezierna
43 Glendoher Drive
Dublin 16

ps. Mapka z grono.net Sprawdzie sami. ;];]

Gone with the carpet.

Ha! They`re gone, took the carpet, piano, left a lot of milk and quietude! After Micks 2day party our landlord kicked us out. And actually nobody was really surprised about that. For 2 weeks, we were nervous that we are homeless, looking for some place to stay.. In the end it turned out that we can stay in this house where we are at the moment, just Mick and Declan have to go. Instead of them we are gonna live with 21years old Czapla from Żary, moreover... -from Lemon! ;]
Anyways, if anyone is feeling like produce some correspondence towards me, where you go, the address, valid until January.

Zosia Jezierna
43 Glendoher Drive
Dublin 16

ps.The map from www.grono.net Check it out yourself. ;]

czwartek, 25 października 2007

ZARA fall/winter 2007/08

A wspominalam ze Maciej pozowal do najnowszego katalogu zary ? :>
Did I mention that Maciej posed to the newest zara catalogue ? :>

wtorek, 23 października 2007

rugby world cup final

Ogladalam ostatnio misztrzostwa swiata w rugby. Lubie ogladac rugby, jest dosc zabawne. No i taka obserwacja: po stronie RPA nie bylo w ogole murzynow. :|
I was watching a rugby world cup finals the other day. I like it, I find it quite amusing. And I got an observation: there was no black players on South Africa team. :|

środa, 17 października 2007

Pierwszy dzien w nowej szkole.. yyyy no nie, w nowej pracy, a w zasadzie to juz drugi.

Na poczatku sie strasznie cieszylam, potem zaczelam sie stresowac, a na koniec sie po prostu balam. Balam sie ze ta praca mi sie nie spodoba. Ze nie bede tam pasowac i ze bede sie tam zwyczajnie nudzic.
Wczoraj, moj pierwszy dzien, poszlam, podpisalam umowe i dostalam ciuszki do pracy- spodnie,koszulke,buty i marynarke. Jak sie ubralam to.. no.. tata to by powiedzial "fiu fiu". ;] Na dobry poczatek zostalam zawalona wszelkiego rodzaju informacjami. To jest kolekcja taka a to taka,Tu mamy sweterki w serek a tu nie w serek, tu kaszmir a tu welna. Rozmiary amerykanskie, europejskie, a tu brytyjskie.. Kod do tych drzwi, kod do tamtych, numer na linie zewnetrzna... a najwiekszy kosmos to skladanie koszul !! ;] Czulam sie jak glupek. Bo pomimo to ze nie znam sie tak bardzo na ciuchach, ze nie znam slownictwa ciuchowego, to po prostu w tym nie siedze. Dla tych ludzi co tam pracuja ubrania sa takie strasznie wazne w zyciu. Bo to sa ubrania, i jakiez to jest ekscytujace ze mamy tu kaszmirowy sweterek w odcieniu rozu ktorego kod to 611. Bo kazdy kolor tez ma swoj kod. ;] W kazdym razie, dzien minal mi niespodziewanie szybko. Prawda jest taka ze ani przez chwile sie tam nie nudzilam, ciagle cos bylo do roboty, ale nie w takim sensie jak w butlersie, ze szybko szybko... tylko ze spokojem, sprawdzic rozmiary,napisac czego brakuje, znalesc w magazynie, przyniesc, powiesic, po drodze ladnie zlozyc, wyrownac, wyglaskac i usmiechnac sie do klietna. Spoko. Wiec pewnosc mam ze nudzic sie w pracy to ja nie bede.
Dzis bylam drugi dzien. Biegalam co godzine do magazynu i przynosilam na sklep ubrania ktore w miedzy czasie zeszly. Nazywa sie to 24. Przez 4 godziny robilam 24. ;] A ten nasz magazyn to taki pokazny jest dosc. Mape mi narysowano co bym sie tam nie pogubila. Ubrania wisza na 3 poziomach, biegam po nim z drabina i wspinam sie po polkach w poszukiwaniu tshirta z kolekcji retro o rozmiarze 42. [brat jaki masz rozmiar ziomek?]
Kevin, menager, jest bardzo mily, pyta sie czy wszystko wiem, kaze mi sie pytac milion razy jesli czegos nie rozumiem, jak sie rzeczywiscie pytam to sie ani troche nie denerwuje. Kevin jest homo, chyba jak kazdy jeden pan pracujacy w ZARZe, wiec bede musiala sie przyzwyczaic do komentarzy na temat tego jak to jakis klient jest oooh cute, albo uuuh hot.
Poki co to podoba mi sie. Wiem ze to nie jest ani praca ani branza moich marzen, ale na jakis czas powinno byc fajnie. Obede sie z ladnymi szmatkami, moze naucze sie od moich kolezanek i kolegow jak pieknie malowac sobie paznokcie lub dopierac idalnie Kolory. [karolina,nigdy ci tego nie zapomnie :P].
Ludzie z ZARy przynajmniej narazie sprawiaja wrazenie bardzo.. zrobionych. Zbyt idealnie uczesanych i zawsze pieknie pachnacych nowymi perfumami bog raczy wiedziec jakiej boskiej firmy. Dlatego moge sie tam czasem nie czuc ze swoim malym wariactwem. Ale miejmy nadzieje ze to tylko takie pierwsze wrazenie, i ze bede sie dobrze bawic w Zarze prze te kolejne 3 miesiace.

First day in a new school.. yyy nope in a new job, actually that was a second one.

At first I was super excited, than I started to be nervous, and in the end I was just scared. I was afraid I will not like this job. That I will not fit , and that I will be basically bored over there.
Yesterday I went there, signed the contract and I got my uniform -trousers, shirt, shoes and jacket. when I put this on I looked.. hhmmm, my dad would say, "U la la".;] For a good start I got loaded with tones of different kind of information. This is a collection A, this a collection B, over there we`ve got V-neck sweaters, over there round neck ones, over there cashmere, over there wool. American sizes, European and UK.. Code to this door, code to those, and code for a external phone call.. And the most crazy thing -folding shirts! ;] I felt like a complete idiot. Besides the fact that I don't know much about clothes, I don't know the vocab, I`m just not very into it. For those people who work there clothing is the most important thing in their life. Because this is clothing, and this is so excited that we`ve got casmir sweater in pink which code is 611. Cause each colour has its code as well. ;] Anywho.. day passed surprisingly fast. The true is that I wasn't bored even for a second.There was always something that had to be done, but not like in Butlers, crazy, fast.. but easily, check the sizes, write down what is missing, find in a stockroom, bring it, hang it, in the meantime fold something, fix it, and smile to the customer. Nice. So I'm sure I will not be bored over there.
Today it was my second day. I was going to the stockroom every hour and I was bringing upstairs things that were sold in the meantime. It is called 24. For 4 hours I was doing 24.;] And our stockroom is huge by the way. I got a map so I wont get lost over there. Cloths hang on 3 levels, I get a ladder and climb up looking for a t shirt from retro collection in size 42.
Kevin, our manager, he is very nice. Asks frequently if I understand everything, tells me me to asks as many question as I need, and when I do that, he doesn't get annoyed at all. He is gay, like I think every single male in ZARA, so I guess I will have to get used to comments about some customers like oooh cute, or uuuh hot.
So far I like it. I do realise this is not either trade or job of my life, but for sometime it should be nice. I will get used to nice clothings, maybe I will learn from my work colleagues how to do my nails perfectly, or how to match colours.;]
People from ZARA so far at least seem to be very made. Their hair is too perfect, and they always smell of the god knows what posh brand perfumes. So maybe I might not always feel comfortable over there with my little craziness. But hopefully this is only a first impression, and I will have a great time working there for the next 3 months.
God Bless!

last photo from butlers

Jean, zlota kobieta z Filipin co zbiera banknoty z calego swiata, Wesely nasz brazylijski head bariska w smiesznym fartuchu, i ten irlandzki kolo z konca teczy ktorego imienia nie pamietam.

Jean, a gold woman from Philipines who colects notes from all over the world, Wesley our Brazilian head barista with funny apron, and this Irish fellow from the end of the rainbow whose name I forgot.

(will miss you guys)

wtorek, 16 października 2007

piątek, 12 października 2007

Hi, have you heard about the crisis in Burma?

Burma is ruled by one of the worst military dictatorships in the world.
Last month Buddhist monks and nuns began marching and chanting prayers
to call for democracy. The protests spread and hundreds of thousands of
Burmese people joined in -- but they've been brutally attacked by the
military regime.

I just signed a petition calling on Burma's powerful ally China and the
UN security council to step in and pressure Burma's rulers to stop the
killing. The petition has exploded to over 500,000 signatures in a few
days and is being advertised in newspapers around the world, delivered
to the UN Security Council, and broadcast to the Burmese people by
radio. We're trying to get to 1 million signatures this week, please
sign below and tell everyone!


Thank you so much for your help!

poniedziałek, 8 października 2007


Zdalam poprawke. Naprawde. I jest to fajne, pozytywne i mile.

I passed the exam. For real. And it is nice, positive, and good.

Obowiazkowe lody z rodzina. Sister byla bardzo podekscytowana lodami. Tata nie wiedzial jak sie zachowac wiec poprostu sie schowal. ;];]

Ice cream with my family. My sis was very exited, my dad didn't know what to do, so he just hid.
Przyjemna impreza w kislu z ekipa koreansko-inna.

There was a party in Kisiel with Korean and other people

środa, 3 października 2007

-Hi, I'm looking for a job.
-Oh hi, would you like fancy ZARA or more fancy PAMELA SCOTT?
-I`ll go with fancy ZARA.
-You`re starting next week.

wtorek, 2 października 2007

ostatni dzien dagi

Dagmara rozpoczela wczoraj studia. Stomatologia. Hoho. Opuscila zatem Butlersa, czym przepowiedziala exodus wszystkich Polek z owej kawiarni.

Dagamra strated college yesterday. Dentistry. Congrats. She left Butlers, being the first one of us (polish girls) to leave that store.
Zovka i Ilona prezentuja piekne szeorkie usmiechy, a Ilona nawet soczek. ;]
Zovka and Ilona presenting beautifull and wide smiles, and Ilona a juice as well. ;]
Polewam w kuchni. Bo w kuchni zawsze jest najlepsza impreza. ;]
Pouring in the kitchen. Cause that is in the kitchen where the best fun always is. ;]
Mauricio I & Daga.
Mauritius & Daga.
Tu mi maszyna myjaca podarla koszulke.
Here the washing machine has torn my shirt.

Dalkey con Rafael

Pieknie bylo ale sie skonczylo. Jedno i drugie.
It was great. But its over now.

sobota, 29 września 2007

podsluchane w pracy.

-I need some spoons please !!!

-I need 5 thousand euro, would you swap? ;>
p.s. A tak w ogole to zmieniam prace. Zmeczylam sie juz podawaniem kawy. W poniedzialek zaczynam ostre poszukiwania czegos innego. Uderzam na kino,ksiegarnie i sklepy z ciuszkami. Will see.

p.s. I'm about the change the job. I'm sick of serving coffee. I'm hitting on book stores, cinema, and clothing stores. Will see.

sobota, 15 września 2007


Na dwa dni, spontanicznie. Bardzo fajnie. Z Milita. Bo ja Zosita jestem, jol. A w ogole to farofeira. W Belfascie sie to narodzilo, gdyz mialam ze soba termos z kawa, kanapki, ciasteczka, karty i w ogole taka przygotowana bylam.... I taka osoba w Brazyli to wlasnie farofeira jest. Wszyscy z niej zawsze leja. Co mi tam. Ciastka uratowaly nas nie raz. Nie mowiac o kawie.

For two days, spontagnious. Very nice. Con Milita, cause Im Zosita, and actually farofeira as well. It was in Belfats where it has started, cause I had thermos with coffee, sandwiches, biscuits, and cards, I was prepared very well in general. .. And that kind of person is called farofeira in beautiful country of Brazil. Everybody makes fun of her, but oh well.... Biscuits saved us not ones, not even mentioning the coffee.

Dzien I. Mila pierwszy raz raczy swe dlonie brytyjska waluta.
Day I. Mila first time deigning her hands with British currency.
Mila cieszy sie z rozowego autobusu. Tak w Belfascie miejsce autobusuy sa rozowe. Bosko! ;]
Mila is happy about the pink bus. Yes, in Belfast the city buses are pink. How great ! ;]
Zaczynamy wycieczke wokol Belfastu kolorowym turystycznym autobusem z dziwnym przewodnikiem. Mila zasnela, nie widziala nic. ;]
Beginning tour around Belfast in one of those Tourist buses with weird tour guide. Mila fell asleep, she saw nothing. ;]
Taki skuter chce ! Gwiazdorku. ;];]
I want that kind of scooter, Santa ! ;];]
Inaczej nie dalo rady mnie ujac. Podoba mi sie.
There was no other way [apparently] to fit me in to that photo. I like it.

W Eglatine na objadku. Fajna miejscowka. Polecam. Mily klimacik. I fajny kolor.
In Eglatine for dinner. Nice place. I recommend. Good atmosphere. I funky colour.
Dzien II. Kawa byla konieczna. Zamowilam Large, dostalam Enormous. ;]
Day II. Coffee was essential. I ordered Larde, but I got Enormous. ';]
Wchodzimy na gore, po drodze zaczepiamy znaki.
We are going up, and attacking road signs on our way.

I oto jestesmy ;].
And there we are ;].
Mila -kwiatowy swirek.
Mila -flower freak.
..Wracamy umeczone do Bublina.
Going back to Dublin. Wybieram sie raz jeszcze do Belfastu. Moze zabiore mame. ;] Chcialabym zobaczyc slynne klify z okladki Led Zepelin. ;] Szczerze powiedziawszy w zyciu tej okladki nie widzialam na oczy, ale widzialam fotki klifow i wygladaja naprawde fajnie.
A sam Belfast jest bardzo podobny do Dublina. Tylko malo sie dzieje na miescie wieczorami. W piatek jak poslzysmy na impreze to mialysmy problem zeby znalesc jakis pub, nie mowiac o tym zeby byl fajny i imprezka w pyte. No ale w koncu znalazlysmy. Poznalysmy geja, kupil nam po rozy. Byl tez skrzypek ktory wygladal jak Labenski, wskazal mnie smyczkiem w tlumie i kazal spiewac. Zaprowadze tam mame nastepnym razem. Ona mu pospiewa. ;]
Pozdro600! ;]

Im going to visit Belfast once again. Maybe I take my mum. ;] I would like to see those famous cliffs form Led Zepelin cover. I have never seen the cover itself to tell you the true, but I saw the photos of the cliffs, and they do look awesome.
And Belfast itself is very similar to Dublin. But there is not much going on at nites. On Friday we went out, and we had a serious problem with finding a pub, then a nice one, with a cool party inside. But we found on at last. We met a gey gay, he bought each of us one rose;]. There was this guy as well who was playing on the violin, he looked like my history teacher form High School. He pointed at me with a fiddlestick and asked to sing. I take my mum to that place next time. She will sing for him. ;]

środa, 5 września 2007


Wielkim zjawiskiem byl fakt ze cala nasza 4 ma wolne w ten sam dzien. Poszlismy na maszty sobie. Tam gdzie rok temu ciocia Wiesia swietowala swoje urodzinki. ;];] Bialy marudzil, ale w sumie potem ponoc mu sie podobalo. Troszke padalo. Stalismy jak takie dongi w 4 pod dwoma parasolkami przez jakeis pol h. Szkoda ze nie mielismy kart. Anyways. Potem przestalao padac i zdobylismy szczyt. Bialemu sie wydawalo ze jest na okladce jakiejs plyty, a potem znowu padalo i ucieklismy do centrum na kebaba. Na zdrowie.
Fotosy by Magdalena Fryska. (wieksozsc -te fajniejsze;]) Respect.

Incredible was the fact that all four of us had a day of in the same day. We went to 3rock. The place where just a year ago my lovely auntie Wiesia celebrated her b-day. ;];] White was complaining, but I guess he liked it after all. It was raining a bit. So we stood for about a half an hour under 2 umbrellas, like idiots. It is a pity we did not have cards or anything. After the rain stopped we got to the top of the mountain. White had a feeling he is on some cd cover, then it was raining again and we left to the city centre to have some kebab.
Pics by Magdalena Fryska. (most of them -the coolest ones;]) Respect.