niedziela, 9 grudnia 2007

to tak bardzo bardzo boli... (it hurts so much...)

.. ze nie moge chodzic.
W sobote po pracy, pojechalam do domku Sebastiana gdzie juz wszystkie geje czekaly. Tam sie przebralam, troszke umalowalam, przywdzialam butki. Niestety nikt nie byl juz wstanie przykleic mi sztucznych rzesow, a ja sama nie potrafilam, wiec poprostu sobie moje wlasne ostro potraktowalam zalotna zalotka. Pojechalismy do Dragona. Troszke bylam w smutnym nastroju, ale Przmeek mnie ladnie chwycil za raczke, oprowadzil, pokazal, przytulil i powiedzial ze jestem piekna. Pomoglo. Muzyka byla umcy umcy, ale dawalam rade. W moich boskich sexi czerwonych na obcasie butkach. Bylo sporo ludzi z pracy, Paddy kupil mi drinka, poprosilam o cos co bede mogla pic dlugo i dostalam iced tea ze wszystkim -jak mi to wytlumaczyl. Bylo pycha, po dwoch wymiatalam na parkiecie. Oczywiscie przy Sebastianie to i tak nie mialam szans, bo on to tam poprostu rzadzil, kolo sie rusza jak zawodowy tancerze, no boski jest, gwiazda a do tego kowboj. ;]
Wszyscy mi mowili ze bosko wygladam, i to bylo super mile, niektorzy sie gapili czy pod ta przezroczysta bluska mam w ogole stanik, i to bylo zabawne.
Pod koniec zaczely mnie stopki bolec, do autobusu doszlam jeszcze jakos... o dziwo bo to kawal drogi byl. W autobusie chyba mi stopu poprostu spuchly, bo jak wysiadlam to nie bylam wstanie dwoch krokow zrobic. Wiec zdjelam moje pantofelki, ale to wcale nie bylo dobrym rozwiazaniem, bo po asfalcie sie nie przyjemnie biega z takimi obalalymi stopami. Wiec usiadlam na murku, rozpakowalam torebke i przywidzialm trampeczki. Najlepsze buty na swiecie. ;]
Jak polozyoam sie do lozka jeszcze Curro zadzwonil, powiedzialam "Hola!", on powiedzial "Hola!" i sie rozlaczyl, a Zofia zasnela.
A chodzic do dzisiaj nie moge. W pracy wszyscy ze mnie lali, a to proprostu boli, chodzenie tak bardzo boli...

p.s. mam randke z drwalem lesnikiem !! Czyz to nie bajkowe !?

.. that I cant even walk.
Saturday after work I went to Sebastians house where all the gays were waiting. Ive changed over there, did a bit of make up, and put my lovely shoes on. Unfortunately nobody was ablea nymore to put the fake eyelashes on me, and I just dont know how, so I had to simply curle them up a lot. We went to Dragon. I was in a little bit of unhappy humor, but Przemek holded my hand, showed me around, gave a big hug and said Im beautifull. It helped. The music was umcy umcy, but I was doing great, in my sexi red high heels. There was a lot of people from work. Paddy bought me a drink. I asked for something that I can drink long. So I got some kind of Iced Tea, with a mix of everything -like he explained. It was delicious, after two I was crazy on the danceflor. Of course next to Sebastian I had no chance -he moves like a profesional dancer, he is a fucking star, and moreover a cowboy! ;]
Everybody was telling me that I look gorgeous, and that was very nice, some people were staring at my see throw top wondering if Im wearing a bra, and that was very funny.
Towards the end my feet started to hurt. Somehow I managed to get my nitelink bus, eventhoght it was quite far. In the bus my feet were probobly just swelling, cause when I got off, I couldnt walk at all. I took my shoes off, but it wasnt a good idea either, cause it hurts to walk barefoot on the street when your feet are all swollen. So I sat, unpack my pers, and put on my convers snickers, the best shoes on earth. ;]
I went to bed and Curro called. I said "Hola!", he said "Hola!" and hang up, and Zofia feel asleep.
And cant walk today. At work everybody was laughing at me, but it just hurts to walk...

p.s. Ive got a date with forester woodcutter !! Isnt that fabulous !?

8 komentarzy:

Anonimowy pisze...

Doña Sofia, thanks for tell us everything about the party and your feelings. You deserve something good, and you will find it.But, where are the pictures of the party?? i really want to see you so beautiful!!
by the way, i lost my phone yesterday, so while i buy another one the only way to contact me is by deboras phone or my msn
Im off wednesday and thursday, i hope to have fun, but a need to rest as well, terrible weekend. After that, fuckin work again, like the first day of school after summer time. Well, at least, i will see again my wonderful mates, nothing would be the same without you.
see you soon!!!

zovka pisze...

Hola Curro ! It seems like just you and me read this stuff, and add comments;] whatever, i dont mind, anywho... pictures... yeah.. i dont have any. nobody had a camera, and daniel who was suposed to take one, never showed up cause he fell asleep being all ready.
Take care !

Anonimowy pisze...

ej ejjjj
ja tez tu jestem stale i czytam.
takze wypraszam sobie ;p

Anonimowy pisze...

też czytam; i czasem komentuję nawet; no

zovka pisze...


Anonimowy pisze...

i ja tez :)

zovka pisze...

ojej.. nice. ;] dzieki paszczaki.

Anonimowy pisze...

Ej ej! Pozdrawiam z Poznania i zapraszam na jesli chcesz wiedziec co sie tu dzieje, haha! :) Howgh!