piątek, 11 kwietnia 2008


Angelika powiedziala kiedys, ze my to jestesmy piekne i w Polsce i w Korei. A Amerykanki sa piekne tylko tutaj. ;]

Wczoraj nie mialam isc na impreze. Planowalam napisac swoje palpio [speech, przemowa, prezentacja]. W srode mam examin ustny na ktorym bede sie produkowac o moim zyciu w Irlandii, taki ladny topik sobie obralam. I wlasnie chcialam nad tym wczoraj pracowac. Wyladawalam jednak z Angelika na Hongdae w klubie m2. Absolutnie fantastyczne jest to miejsce. Pomijajac fakt ze muzyka super, i ze ludzie fajni i ze chlopcy ladni, to atmosfera jest najlepsza. Dzisiaj tez idziemy, bo ma byc DJ MEME z Brazylii. A apropos Brazylii co ja wczoraj zrobilam !! Dylamy sobie dylamy i nagle szczerzy sie do nas jakas grupa kolegow. I zarywaja, a my znudzone ksiezniczki bezczelnie ich olewamy, dopoki jeden z nich nie powiedzial ze jest z Brazylii- to sie zrobilo fajniej. Jednak kolo wygladal dosc koreansko, wiec postanowilam sprawdzic jego znajomosc portugalskiego ^^. Zapytalam sie jak sie ma. Podolal odpowiedziec. Niestety [dla mnie] druga rzecz jaka znam po portuglasku na spadaj na drzewo, a raczej po prostu spierdalaj. Non, wiec ow kolega naprawde byl Brazylijczykiem, bo sobie rzeczywiscie poszedl. Eh. [:|]
A poza tym to faaaajnie, bo inne imprezowanie jest to zupelnie. Po prawej, fajny kolo chce za mna tanczyc po lewej jeszcze fajniejszy, przy barze darmowe drinki z panem barmanem, a pod scena piateczka z DJ. I wszyscy dookola maja takie szczescie wypisane na twarzy, kosmos. Aaaaaa, no i Koreanczycy nie odrywaja stop od ziemi jak tancza. Tylko tak tylkiem smiesznie jakas ruszaja, podrygujac na zgietych kolanach. Zabawnie to wyglada. Tak sobie dygaja. I czarne proste wlosy tylko podskakuja. A pomiedzy tym wszysytkim dwie wysokie wariatki.
Boski Michal powiedzial by pewnie "koreanska bezinteresownosc". Stawiaja nam drinki, i chca nas wszyscy poznac bo jestesmy biale. Ale kurcze, co z tego. Wazne ze sie dobrze bawimy !! Po to tu kurdziu mac jestem. :D

Angelika said once, that we are beautifull in Poland, and in Korea as well. But the Amercian girls, they are pretty only in Korea. ;]

Yesterday, I wasnt suposed to go out. I was going to write my palpio [speech]. Ive got an oral exam on Wednesday on which Im gonna talk about my life in Irealnd. And thats what I was going to work on last nite. But we ended up on Hongdae, in m2 club. This place is absolutely amazing. Besides the fact that the music is great, people nice, and boys are pretty, the atmosphere is the best. Tonite were going as well. There will be DJ MEME from Brasil playing. And speaking about Brasil, what have I done last nite !! We were dancing, shaking, whatever, and sudenly this group of guys got interested in us. But us, bored princesses we were totally ingoring them. Until one of them said that he is Brasilian -all of this turned to be more interesting. He did look a bit Korean, so I decided to check his portugesse. ^^ I asked him how is he. He managed to answer my question. But then, unfortunatelly [for me], other thing I can say in portugesse is fuck off. Well, so he really was Brasilian, cause he left. [:|]
And its coooool. Diferent kind of parting and clubing. On the right side nice fellow wants to dance with me, on the left even better one. By the bar, free shots with the bar tender, and on the stage "half five" with the DJ. And everyone around is soooo happy. Oh yeaaas, and Koreans, they dont move up their feet while dancing. They just move their butt in this funny way, movinig up and down on their knees. And in between them, us. ;]
Michal would probobly say "korean disinterestedness". They buy us drinks, and want to know us, cause we are white. But, what the hell is wrong with that. We are having fun, thats why were here, right !? :D

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