środa, 29 października 2008

Poznan spalony !

Sportowe wyjscie na pifko po pracy wczoraj mialo miejsce. Jakasz to niesamowita i fajna atmosfera byla na miescie. Nieznajomi ludzie zagadywali do siebie na rynku, pan sobie szedl i nawijal na harmonijce, Karolina z Zosia pukaly w szybke Sfinksa a potem i tak poszly do Harlemu na kebaba, gdzie dwa male kebaby z sosem tsatsiki i ... tsatsiki przygotowywalo 4, --->4 [!!] przesmiesznych Turkow z czego jeden z gipsem. A na zakonczenie w Dragonie pewien przemily pan podarowal nam parasol... a dlaczego, z jakiej okazji ?... No bo dzisiaj jest sroda !! No przeciez!! ;] Kit ze wczoraj byl wtorek. Zapomnialam dodac ze Karoliny piwo bylo podejrzanie smakowite.
Ktos chyba zrobil marichuanowe ognisko za miastem a wiatr nam je zaaplikowal.
To pewnie ci policjanci o ktorych mowili ost. w radio. "Wczoraj w nocy poznanscy policjanci spalili iles tam ton marichuany przechwyconej od wielkopolskich handlarzy". -na zdrowie!

Poznan stoned !
Spontagnious nite out took place after work last night. How unbelievably merry atmosphere there was in town. Strangers were having conversations on streets, a passing by guy was playing on the harmonica, Karolina & Zosia were knocking on the Shipnxs window, but in the end they went to Harlem for a Turkisch fast food anyways, where two burgers were prepared with 4, ---> 4 [!!] funny Turkish guys, one of them with a plaster. Next in Dragon we were given an ubrella from this nice gentleman. And why, for what reason?... Because today is Wednesday !! Of course !! ;] It didnt matter that yesterday it was Tuesday. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Karolina`s beer was much tastier than usually...
Someone must have made a marichuana bonfire by the twon, and wind help us to get it.
Probobly it was the policemen that they talk about on the radio recetnly. "Last nite Poznan policemen burnt whatever amount of tones of marichuana which they intercepted from the illegal trade" -chears!
[Now get the joke, in polish language there is one word for -to burn and -to smoke.]

1 komentarz:

Lukasz pisze...

what can I say?
lucky bastards, these policemen...