
Czesc !! Jestem w Korei! Siostra mi powiedziala ze to jakos tak o wiele dalej niz zwykle, pomimo iz Stany tez byly strasznie daleko, no ale cos w tym jest, bo tutaj to jest naprawde inny swiat. Wszystko zaczelo sie w poniedzialek, tzn. w nocy z poniedzialku na wtorek. Autobus bus bus do Berlina mialam o 4.30. Do tej godziny w ogole nie spalam. Siedzialam sobie w kuchni i ogladalam film [żądełko] i rozmawialam z Curro, z Dominikiem, z Rafaelem i z Rudym tez. I to bylo strasznie fajne. Mialam stresa wiec zjadlam tony slodyczy i palilam papierosy. Mama mnie widziala pierwszy raz z fajeczka. Zaproponowala leki uspakajajace zamiast papierosow, ale ja zostalam przy paleniu. O godzinie 4 mama zawiozla mnie -ZAWIOZLA mnie na pekap i wsadzila do busu. Dojechalismy do Berlina, pan busiarz wysadzil mnie tuz przed okienkiem nad ktorym widnial napis paris -air france. Podalam pani paszport,bilecik i baaardzo szeroko sie usmiechnelam to pani niemki z ladnym angielskim, gdyz waga pokazala o 4 kilo za duzo. Pani nie zauwazyla ani usmiechu ani tych 4 kilo. Usiadlam sobie na laweczce, wsunelam kanapke od mamy. Dogryzlam jabluszkiem i zabralam sie do lektury smierc w darkroomie. Ksiazki o poznanskim swiatku gejowskim, ksiazki kriminalnej. I tak sobie ja czytalam az do samego Paryza. W Paryzu wysiadlam z samolotu i zaraz wsiadlam w drugi. Perfect timing. W ogole jak mnie pani murzynka francuska sprawdzala gadzecikiem czy nie mam jakiegos rewolweru w portkach to powiedziala do mnie "bonżur madmłazel" no to ja "bonżur madam" i wtedy ona "costam po francusku" a ja na to "że ne parle pa franse". I ona w smiech i znowu "costam po francusku". Swierdzila ze przeciez wlasnie mowie, dopiero jej kolezanka musiala wytlumaczyc ze ona tez przeciez wie jak powiedziac po angielsku I dont speak english, chociaz tak napawde nie mowi. Anyways, wsiadlam do samolotu i przywitala mnie pani stewaredesa, pan steward i pani koreanka w tradycyjnym stroju koreanskim "anion hasejo". I Zosi doszlo wtedy- laska lecisz do Korei, na drugi koniec swiata, zrobilas to, to sie dzieje naprawde, wymiatasz, o kurwa mac, KOREA, ja tam wlasnie lece tam bede za 10 h.... i sie poryczalam. Mialam 3 miejsca dla siebie. Wiec wygodnie. Byl kocyk, poduszka, plus moja osobista poduszka. Przed nosem TV. Ogladalam przyjaciol, obejrzalam ATONEMENT i jakis film o sklepie z zabawkami Dustina Hoffmana. Czytalam ksiazki, gapilam sie na mlodych koreanczykow, starzy koreansczycy gapili sie na mnie. Pan steward ktory obslugiwal moj rzad straszny chyba mial ze mnie ubaw, bo zawsze sie do mnie szeroko usmiechal, a chodzilo chyba o to ze ja ciagle prosilam o wiecej czegos, tudziez dokladke. Jedzenie bylo pyszne. Na poczatek wiadomo kola i orzeszki "excuse me,could i get more snack?" Potem danie glowne czyli do wyboru kurczak albo pibimbab, zofia wziela pibimbab -wiadomo. Ryz, wolowinka, kapustka jakas, ryzowy galacik taki rowniez byl. Jogurcik, soczek i ciasteczko. "would like some caffe" -"SURE!" Po obiadku zasnelam i po kilku godzinach obudzila mnie won jedzenia rozpraszajaca sie po samolocie. Z tylu na ogonie rozdawali zupki chinskie/koranskie. Zofia pobiegla po jedna, jakze by inaczej. Po drodze zgarnelam jeszcze ciasteczko i kole. Znowu zasnelam a gdy sie obudzilam to mialam przed soba tace ze sniadaniem. To lubie. Francuska bagietka, twarozek, galaretka z owocami, woda minerlna, szynka [i to ile!!], serek i maselko. "Would you like some coffe" -"Yes please, could i get some more bread please?" -"SURE :D". Zjadlam to pyszne sniadanko, zrobilam sobie jedna skibe w tytke i jakos tak wyszlo ze zaczelismy ladowac. Lotnisko Seulskie miesci sie na wyspie. Na wyspie wokol ktorej nie ma oceanu, tylko kurcze wielka kupa blota. Serio serio. Jest plaza a potem bloto, i to bloto sie ciagnie i ciagnie az do nastepnej wyspy. O co chodzi? Ponoc o fabryki + odplyw. Pierwsze co zrobilam jak wydostalam sie samolotu to polecialam do toalety. I przypomnialo mi sie wtedy co mowila Stoja o koreanskich kibelkach na lotnisku. Klape sedesowa okala plastykowa folia. Zanim sie usiadzie nalezy nacisnac tudziez nadusic guzik i ta folia sie przesuwa, tzn jakby nasuwa sie swieza. Kosmos. Polalam ze powinni nadrukowac jakis pociag na tej folii co by to wygladalo ze pociag ci jedzie po kibelku. ;] Obok kibelka miesci sie maly glosniczek. Jezeli ktos ma ochote zagluszyc swoje sikanie albo cos innego, to moze to wlaczyc i leci sobie muzyczka. ;] A nazywa sie to etiquette speaker. ;];] Zabralam swoja blekitna walizeczke [troche mi sie podrapali glupki] i udalam sie w strone wyjscia. I tam na mnie czekali Stoja i Przekaz!
Czekali na mnie godzine biedaki. Nabylismy pifko i bileciki na autobus do Seulu. Jechalismy tak sobie z godzinke. Po drodze podziwialam widoki za oknem. Bloto, fabryki, cmentarze, grobowce, swiatynie.. a potem juz miasto samo w sobie. Jak w filmach o azji. Napchane bilboardow, reklam, szyldow, kolorow, wszystko blyska, swieci i miga. No i wszyscy skosni. To byl dopiero szok. Anion hasejo, anion hasejo,kamsamnida... A Zosia jak taka dziewczynka z zerowki co dopiero nauczyla sie czytac, czytala wszyscykie napisy i szyldy. -toaleta, wyjscie, prosze czekac, makdonald. To bylo moje ulubione -makdonald po koreansku. No i co tu jeszcze.. nie ma nigdzie koszy na smieci. Po prostu nie ma i juz. Smieci na ulicy leza. No i stoją baraczki i jacys ludzie, cyganie jakby, sprzedaja, plaszczyki, paski, bronzoletki, kanapy [?]... Przesiadka na taksowke, bo mieszkamy na zadupce gdzie autobus nie jedzie. Pan takswokach w bialych rekawiczkach mial wypasionego GPSa a i tak sie zgubil. ;] W koncu dojechalismy do domu. A wiec moj nowy dom... ;] Miesci sie w bloku malym takim. Uliczka na ktorej sie miesci jest waziutka i fajna taka mila, klimatyczna, porobie zdjecia jutro. I to sa budynki universytetu uede. Mieszkania sa przeznaczone dla profesorow, ale jakims cudem w jednym mieszkamy my. W kazdym razie to sa profesorowie przyjezdni, tak wiec dookola nas mieszkaja rozni obcokrajowcy -fajnie. Mieszkanko ma dwie sypialnie,pokoj dzienny, kuchnie i lazienke. W jednym pokoju mieszka Malina i Jasiu [z mojego bylego roku,ludzie z koreanistyki] a w drugim Stoja [rok wyzej byla na koreanistyce, taka szalona fajna dziewucha z miedzychodu:P] i ja. Mieszkanie generalnie spoko, ale... hm.jak przekroczylam jego progi to sie przerazilam tym syfem. Bez urazy, generalnie ludzie zyja jak lubia, ale trzeba bedzie cos z tym zrobic, jakies kompromisy albo cos. Umywalka zawalona naczyniami [mylam je potem pol h]. A na stole masa, MASA smieci. Podloga zasyfiona i klejaca. Kosmos. Oblecha i generalnie masakra. Ale spoko. Cos sie z tym zrobi. Zjedlismy, ja sie troche ogarnelam, i pojechalismy sobie na zakupy. Do centrum handlowego, metrem. Metro mi sie podoba. Metro to jest fajna sprawa, ma taki swoj klimat. Fajnie, bo bede do szkoly metrem jezdzic. W metrze zaczepila nas jakas pani starsza, i ponazekala ze ja boli ucho. Biedaczka. WTF ? Duuuuuzo fajnych sklepow. Gadzeciarskie takie i gejowskie. ;] Nie ma zary, ale jest masa innych drogich trendy miejscowek. Chlopaki nosza torebki, i trzymaja sie za raczki. W sensie ze herycy. Niektorzy sie na to burza, smieja i pokazuja palcami, ale mi sie to nawet podoba. Takie nie zwracanie uwagi na jakie granice plciowe. Jestem chlopakiem, i jestem heterykiem, ale kurcze sliczna ta torebka -bede ja nosic! ;] Zakupilam sobie kubeczek z wizerunkeim PUCCA, takiej koreanskiej kreskoweczki. Malina sie obkupila, bo ma urodziny i sie jej nalezy :P W ogole to chcialam tak nadmienic w jakim jestem szoku, jak Przekaz i Malina mowia po koreansku. Malina normalnie w sklepie zalatwi co trzeba, zamowi, zlozy zazalenie, zamowi, no kosmos. I ja tez tak bede z pol roku, ha! Nie wierze ! Super. Wrocilismy do domku, umylam naczynia, generalnie ogarnelismy co nie co. Potem zrobilam kanapki z polskeigo chleba ktory mialam od mamy. Polozylam na nim ser zolty i pomidory i wszyscy sie zajadali. Nastepnie poszlismy sie bawic. Dolaczyl do nas Gwozdz i Pawel. A potem zjawili sie tez inni polacy. Poszlismy do restauracji koreanskiej. Usiedzlismy sobie na srodeczku przy takim niskim stole, wiec dupka na podlodze. Ja na poczatku usiadlam tak jak w jodze, ze tylek mialam na pietach, ale powiedziano mi ze tak nie wolno, tak sie siedzi jak ktos umarl, tylek na podlodze musi byc! No dobra.. Jedzonko bylo pyszne, mnostwo przystawek, oczywiscie za free, potem danie glowne czyli miecho ktore smazylismy sobie sami na takim czyms na srodku stolu, potem zawijalismy to w liscia, wkladalismy co kto lubi i do buzi. Smakowe. Alkohol tez byl, najpierw taki babski rozowy, a potem sodzu. Czyli wodeczka. Upilam sie, tak... ale tak smiesznie bo nie w nogach, ale tylko w glowie. Nie przewracalam sie ani nic, tylko bylam nadbiernie pobudzona. ;] Jak juz sie najedlismy do syta a nawet wiecej to poszlismy, aaaa, poszlismy do norebangu !! :D
Taaaak, tak jak sadzilam ze ta cala tradycja karaoke, picia, spiewania i robienia z siebei idioty udajac ze jest sie Whitney Houston, to tak sie bardzo milo zaskoczylam, bo bylo cholera super. Super bylo !! Pan koreanczyk dal nam pokoj na godzine, my sie tam wpakowalismy i zaczelismy piac. Byla Nirvana i Marylin Manson, byla tez Shakira i Spice Girls, no i byly tez koreanskie piosenki i ci zdolniejsi to je nawet spiewali, ja dalam rade tylko jak byl Arirang. ;] W tym ze wlasnie norebangu spotkalam sie z kolejna zjawiskowa toaleta, to byl taki sedes wbudowany w podloge, ze trzeba bylo kucac jak w lesie. Tak wlasnie. Niestety nie mieli Bleeding Love w tym karaokowym zestawie :/. Jak juz sie naspiewalismy to tacy zeskarpeceni poszlismy do domku. Po drodze zaczepilam hustawke i Gwozdziu mnie rozhustal tak, za ktos kazal mu przestac. Przyslismy do domu, usiadlam, przysnelam, wiec stwierdzilam ze chyba sie jednak poloze. A oni jeszcze siedzieli i siedzieli.....
Obudzilam sie o godzinie 17. I nie wiem czy to przez zmiane czasu, przez dobra impreze, czy przez to prawie nic nie spalam noc wczesniej, pewnie wszystko to razem wziete spowodowalo iz kimalam tak dlugo. Na sniadanie dostalam od wujka Przekaza lizaka, i to mi sie bardzo spodobalo. Popoludnie minelo bardzo spokojnie. Umylam sie, siedzialm na gg i tutaj, potem Stoja miala farbowane wlosy i Przekaz na chwile mial zlote wlosy. A potem Malina miala farbowane wlosy i Przekaz zafarbowal sie na czarno. Nastepnie udalismy sie do sklepu i kupilismy duzo jedzenia. Jak wrocilismy to Zosia umyla naczynia i stol i jako tako czuje sie zwolniona z obowiazku gotowania. ;] Pije sobie mleko bananowe i jest pyszne.
Sluchajcie, moj telefon komorkowy tutaj nie dziala, wiec jezeli wyslaliscie jakies eski, to niestety ja ich nie dostalam. I nie dostane. Musze sobie kupic tutaj jakis bajerancki aparat i jak tylko bede miala numer to pomiedzy zovka.pl a zovka.ie bedziecie mogli dodac do swoich kontaktow zovka.kr
Zgubilam gdzies dzisiaj w tym skacowanym powolnym poranku [popoludniu] majtki, i mnie to frasuje.
Nie ma tu normalnej cherbaty, ale rozmiary ciuchow w sklepach sa jednak normalne, wiec pewnie raczej cos bede wstanie sobie nabyc.
Sa geje i to duzo. ;] Juz jestem umowiona na impreze w klubie gejowskim.
I w ogole to fajnie jest. Tak bardzo nie chcialam tu przyjezdzac, byla przerazona i w ogole nie nie nie. A na dzien dzisiejszy to ja jestem na tak tak tak. Bedzie fajnie. Sa spoko ludzie, a moze nawet za kilka tygodni powiem ze sa zajebisci ;];] Na ulicach jest kolorowo, wszyscy gadaja po koreansku i ja tez niedlugo bede i napewno bede skakac z radosci z tego powodu. Wiec luuuuuz.
Podoba sie Zovce Korea. ;]
Pozdro600, tesknie za wami paszczaki ! :**
Hey !! Im in Korea! My sister said that somehow it is much farer than usually, eventhough USA was quite a long distance as well, but yes, it is true, because here it is a completely diferent world.
Everything started on Monday, well, on the nite between Monday and Tuesday. I had a bus to Berlin at 4.30 am. Until that time I didnt sleep at all. I was sitting in the kitchen and I was watching a movie [the sting] and talking online with Curro, Dominik, Rafael and Rudy as well. And that was quite cool. ;] I was very stressed so I ate tones of sweets and I smoke a lot. My mum saw me smoking for the first time in her life. She proposed some soothing medicine, but I stayed with some cigaretess.At4 a clock my mum drove me DROVE ME to the station and put me in to the bus. We got to Berlin, and mister driver put me out in front of the desk above which there was a sign paris -air france. I gave my passport and the ticket to the lady and smile very widely to the german lady with a nice english, cause the weight showed 4 kilos to much. She didnt notice the smile, and the weight either. I sat on the bench and ate a sandwich that I got from my mummy. I ate an apple as well, and started to read this cool book "death in the darkroom" - a thriller about Poznan gay world [the city where Im from]. And I was reading it until Paris. When I got there I got off one plane, and immediately got into anather one. Perfect timing. Ohh... when this french lady was checking if I didnt hide any gun in my pants she said "bonjour madmuasell" so I said "bonjour madame" and than she went "something in french" and I went "je ne parle pas france". She started to laugh and again "something in french". She said that Im speaking French at the moment. Her friend had to expalin, that even she knows how to say I dont speak English, eventhough she doesnt speak English at all...Anyways, I got on the plane, and I was welcomed by a stewardess, mister steward, and miss Korean wearing Korean traditional outfit "annoyung hasseyo". And in that moment... Zosia has realised -hey, youre going to Korea, to the other side of the planet, you did it, this is hapenning for real, youre the best, holly shit, fuck, KOREA!, im going there now, and I will be there in 10 hours... and I started to cry out of excitement. I had 3 sits just for me, so very nice and comfortable. There was a blanket, a pillow, plus my personal pillow. In front of me small TV. I watched some friends, also ATONEMENT, and a movie about a toy store that Dustin Hofmann owned. I read a book, I stared on young Korean guys. Old Korean guys stared at me. Mister Steward who was in charge of my row had loads of fun with me, cause he smiled very widelly to me, I guess it was because I always asked for more and more of this and that. The food was delicious. For the start coke and nuts "excuse me,could i get more snack?" Than a main dish, to choose between a chicken and pibimbab, I took pibimbab of course. Rice, beef, some cabbage, rice omlet [or whatever it was]. A yogurt, juice, a cookie. "would like some caffe" -"SURE!" After that meal I fell asleep, and after couple of houh I got waken up by the smell that was spreading around the plane.In the back they were giving some chinese soups. Zofia went to get one of course, on my way I got also some coke and a cookie. I fell asleep again, and when I opened my eyes I saw a tray full of food in front of me. -I like that. French baguette, some cheese, fruits, water, ham [and a lot of it!], and butter. "Would you like some coffe" -"Yes please, could i get some more bread please?" -"SURE :D". I ate that delicoius breakfast, I made myself one sandwich for later, and somhow we started to land. The airport in Seul is located on the island, and around that island there is no ocean but mud. Realy realy, there is a beach, and than mud and mud, until the next island. And why is that? I heard that because of factories and outflow. First thing I did was I went to the toilet. And all the suden I rememeber what Stoja said about Korean toilets. The stool was covered by a plastic foil, and before you sit you have to push the button, and the foil moves, like the fresh one is being pulled on the stool.It was so funny, i though they should print a train on it, so it looks like a train is running on the toilet. ;] Next to the toilet sit was a little speaker. If someone wants to deafen a sound of peeing or something else, he/she can push the button and there is a music. ';] And it is called etiquette speaker ;];] I got my light blue suitcase and made my way to the exit. And over there there were Stoja and Przekaz waiting for me !
They were waiting an hour for me poor things.. We got some beer, and ticket for a bus, and went to Seul. It took as an hour. On our way I was admiring views outside of the window. Mud, factories, cementeries, tombs... and than a city center itself. Like in the movies of Asia, very colourfull, loads of bilboards, adverts, colours, everything flashing, shining and sparkling. And everyone is Asian, that was quite a shock. Annoyung hasseyo, annoyng hasseyo, kamsamnida... And Zosia like a little girl in a 1 grade who just learned how to read.. she red everything. Toilet, exit, please wait, mcdonald. That was my favorite one -macdonald in Korean! And what else... there is not rubish bins on the streets al all. Rubish is on the streets, just like that. And there is loads of those barracks and those people, gypsies or somethig like that, they sell everything coats, bellts, jewelry, couches [?]... We change our ride into a taxi, cause where we life the bus doesnt come. Mister taxidriver in white gloves, had a very cool GPS, but he got lost anyways. We got home eventually. So.... my new home.. Its a flat, in a university building. The street is very tiny, and cosy, and with a cool nice atmosphere. Ill take some photos and put here very soon. Those flats are suposed be for foreigns teachers from Uede University, but somehow we got one of them. Anyways, so our neighbours are all foreigns - cool. We have two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and a bathroom. In one room there is Malina and Jasiu [people from my school in Poznan, we used to study together] and in the other room there is Stoja [she studied in Poznan aswell, but one year upper, crazy girl from Miedzychod] and me. The is nice but.... hm, when I got there I become quite scared about the mess thats inside. No offenece, people live the way the want, but we will have to do something about it eventually, some compromises or something, i dont know... The sink was loaded with dirty dishes [i cleaned it later on, it took me half and hour]. On the table loads of trush, and the flor was dirty and sticky. Shocking! Anyways, I settled myslef a bit and we went to do some shoppings. To the shopping center, by subway. I like subway. It s a fun thing. It has a nice urban atmosphere. Im glad I will be taking subway to get to school. In there this old lady accosted us, she complained that her ear hurts. WTF? A loooot of cool shops. Trendy gay places. There is no zara, but loads of other good places. Boys wear handbags and hold hands. Straigh guys. Some poeple dont like that, laught at this, but I think its cool. It like dont giving a shit about some sex bounds. Im a boy, Im straigh, I like that pers, and Im gonna wear it! I bough a mug for me. With a pucca picture on it -a korean cartoon.Malina got herself many things, cause its her bday, and she deserves it. :P And by the way I would like to tell you guys how impressed I am with her Korean. She can do everything in Korean, buy, sell, bargain. And I will be the same in 6 months! I cant believe it! Awesome! We got back home, I did the dishes, we cleaned a bit the place. Than I prepared some sandwiches with Polish bread, I put some cheese on it, and tomatos, and everybody ate it. ;] And after that we went to have some fun in town. Gwozdz and Pawel joined us, and than two other polish boys as well. We went to a Korean restaurant. We sat in the middle but this short table, so on the flor. In the begining I sat that by butt was on my feet, but I was told this is the way to sit when someone died. Ass on the flor. OK, ass on the flor, no probs. The food was great, loads of countershafts, for free of course, than the main dish -meat that we fried ourselves in this thing in the middle of the table, than we put it into the leaf, also some other stuff, whatever we liked, and than we ate this. Tasty! There was some alcohol as well of course. First some girly pink alcohol, and than sodzu. Which is a korean vodka. I got drunk. Yep, but in such a funny way, cause not in my legs but just in my head. I wasnt unstable or anything, but my mind was behaving funny. ;] When we ate a lot, we went to this place.... we went to NOREBAN!! :D
Yess.... this Korean tradition of karaoke, drinking, singing and making a fool of oneself is ridiculous, but I was very wrong. It was awesome. Mister Korean gave us a room for an hour. We entered it and started to crow. ;] There was some Nirvana and Marylin Manson, also Shakira and Spice Girls, and Korean songs as well, and those genious people were even able to sing them, I was able to sing only Arirang. In this Norebang itself, I got a chance to face anather interesting toilet. The stool was like build into the flor and I had to squat like in the woods! Unfortunatelly there was no Bleeding Love in this Karaoke machine :/. When we were done with singing, being quite drunk we went home. On our way I stopped by the playground and Gwozdziu swang me so hard, that someone had to stop him. We got home, and I fall asleep on the sofa, so I decided to go to bed. And they..... they were still sitting there.
I woke up around 5pm. I dont know if it was because of the time change, or b/c of the good party, or b/c I havent slept much the nite before. Probobly b/c of all of that factors. For breakfast I got a lollypop from my unckle Przekaz, and I liked that indeed. The afternoon passed very peacefully. I got a shower, I sat online and than Stoja got her hair dided [and Przekaz was blond for a while]. Than Malina got her hair dided [and Przekaz`s hair became black]. After that we went to a store to get some food. I cleaned the dishes and the table so I felt like I dont have to cook. Now Im drinking banana milk, and its tasty.
Listen up guys, I dont have my mobile phone here. The European once dont work here. So if you sent me a text I didnt get it, and I will not. As soon as I get a korean one Ill let you know and than, between zosia.ie and zosia.pl you will be able to put zosia.kr in your contacts. ;]
I lost my underwear today in this lazy hangover afternoon and it scares me.
There is no nomal tea in here, but the sizes of clothes seem to be ok, so I will be able to get some stuff afterall. ;]
There are gay here. And quite a lot I heard. Im going to a gay club next week with my friend. ;]
And in general I like it here so far. I really didnt want to come here, I was scared and like "no no no" , but now, after last nite, and today its all like "yes yes yes", Korea can be fun, and Zosia -youll like it. The people are fun, and probobly after few weeks I will be able to say that they are awesome. Its colourfull on the streets, everyone speaks Korean, and I will be as well soon, and that will make me SOOOOO HAAAPPYYY and SOOOO PROUD. So no worries, Zosia likes Korea. ;]
Take care guys. I miss you ;**