

Rotten Tatansquaw
12-10-2008 19:30-Johnny Rocker Pub
ul. Wielka 9, Poznan, Wielkopolskie
Cost: 8 pln
Poznan. Tramwaje. Nie potrafie![?] Oduczylam sie. Ciagle wsiadam do nie tego co trzeba. Aha, no i czy to tylko ja, czy naprawde ostatnio Ci tramwajarze tudziez tramwajarki nie potrafia jezdzic? Rzucaja na zakretach jak wariaci, ostro hamuja, a ludzie w srodku tylko sie obijaja o siebie. Wczoraj to bylam nawet swiatkiem jak jeden pan poleeeeecial na zakrecie i wyladowal u innego pana na kolanach. Komedia.
Gdansk. Bomba miasto. Fajni ludzie no i molo! Bardzo kulturalny byl to weekend w Gdansku. Wraz z Karola bylysmy w Filharmoni, oraz w teatrze. ;]
Only Polish people are able to create this fantastic atmosphere on a plane, moreover only Polish people give ovation to the pilot! That is my little observation from the last couple of flights I had. After landing in Paris -nothing, then Paris-Berlin, nothing either. I though that maybe this nice tradition doesnt exist no more, but after we landed in Dublin, everybody clapped their hands, there where sqeals and screams and even whistles. Flight Dublin-London -nothing. Dead silence. But London-Poznan, crazyness on board again. Pilots must like the Polish nation then I guess. :]
Poznan. Cable cars. I cant do it no more ![?] I unlearn it. I. keep getting on the wrong tram. Oh, and is it only me, or thes e tramdrivers, they cant drive normally.? They toss on the turns, break hardly, and the people inside, we just bump onto eachother. Yesterday I witness a scene when I guy fleeeeew on the turn and landed on other guys lap. A comedy.
Mieszkanie. Mieszkam z Agata. Moja koreanska wspollokatorka. Ah, no i z dwoma Fretkami. Z Fretkami pana Dzika. Mieszkamy u Ufoka. Fretki w jednym z my z Agata w drugim pokoju. Mieszkanie jest wesole, bardzo "rozbrykane", i integrujace. [nie mamy drzwi w co niektorych miejscach gdzie drzwi na ogol sa]. No i spluczka jest w systemie tajskim. A jezeli chcecie wiedziec co to dokladnie znaczy, to odsylam do Tajlandii^^. Generalnie to jest fajnie a moze i nawet extra. Mamy zlote fotele.;]
Myslimy o zorganizowaniu imprezy halloween. Co wy na to?
Studia. Niewazne. W ogole brak mi slow.
Ostatnio doszly do mnie sluchy o tym kto to tego bloga czyta... Rozne rozniaste ciotki, nie ciotki, kuzynki, kuzyni... Pozdrowienia serdeczne dla Australi oraz USA. ;] Pewna Weronika u ktorej mieszkalam przez troche czasu w Korei, poszukujac info o Korei w jezyku polskim tez trafila tutaj i stala sie stalym czytelnikiem. Rowniez podobno pan nie nikt inny jak... Mieszko ! Ciekaw byl co u mnie i tu trafil. Pozdro dla Weroniki i Mieszka. Przewinal sie rowniez nie jaki pan Chrobry ktory nie jestem pewna kim jest... No ale.. absolutnym hitem jak dla mnie byla informacja o Pani Misztal!! Mama Piotrka Misztala z Koreanistyki! Witam. ;] Zachecam do ujawniania sie w komentarzach.
I teraz... Informacje o tych wszystkich osobach naklonily mnie do refleksji... Zaczelam sie zastanawiac nad tym calym blogowym exhibicjonizmem. Nie przeszkadza mi [tak mi sie przynajmniej wydaje] ze tak rozniaste ludzie mnie czytaja, nawet mnie to chyba cieszy. Taki byl tez w sumie zamysl, ze jezeli ktos jest ciekaw co u mnie to moze sobie zajrzec i sie dowiedziec. Poczytac co tam u Zovki. Albo jaka w ogole ta cala Zovka jest. No i okazuje sie ze niektore osoby byly troszke zmieszane, bo bywam wulgarna, poruszam otwarcie tematy seksualne itd...[?] Apropos, to nie penis koreanski oczywiscie na tamtym zdjeciu, ani tez swieczka, chociaz swieczek bylo wtedy dookola sporo, to najzwyczajniej w swiecie moja reka! Dziekuje wszystkim za udzial w glosowaniu. Nagrody zostana rozlosowane w terminie pozniejszym:] No i chyba brakuje mi tutaj puenty w tej calej wypowiedzi. Bo ja sama nie jestem do konca pewna co mam o tym wszystkim myslec. Pewnie po prostu troche zszokowal mnie zasieg odbioru i dostepnosc tych moich przynudnawych wywodow. Wustarczy w guglach wpisac "zosia korea" i oto jestm.... zgupialam.
Powodzenia dla Tomasza w Paryzu a w zasadzie pod Wersalem. Tomek to nawet smie stwierdzic ze Francuzi mowia po ang, malo tego sa bardzo mili i ... pomocni. Ciekawe.
I congrats dla Fabjo! Z tego i z tego drugiego powodu. Nie wspominajac o tym trzecim!!
An appartment. I live with Agata. My ex-korean-roommate. Oh, and with two ferrets. We live at Ufok`s app.[cause he is in Iran, have a look on the links]. Ferrets in one room, and Agata and me in the other one. The flat is very merry, frisky and integrating. [there is no door in some places where the door should be]. The flush is in Thai system. If youre not sure what does it excatly mean, you have to go to Thailand and experience it yourself^^. In general its nice, maybe even super nice. Weve got gold armchairs.;]
School. Nevermind. I dont wanna talk about it.
Recently I got in to possesion of inormation who reads this blog.... Some aunts, and cousins... Hello to the family in Australia and the USA. ;] Weronika who I used to live for a bit in Korea, she was looking for some information about Korea in polish, what she found was my blog, and she became a regular. My super fellow from high school, who I havent seen for ages ! [im not even exhaugurating!], he was wondering what is going on with me, and somehow he found this. There was someone called Chrobry who Im not even sure he was, but.... the absolut surprise was .... Mrs Misztal!! Piotr Misztal`s, my colleague from Korean studies, mum! I really encourage to come out in the comments.
And now.. the information about all this people induces me to think about all of this blog exhibitionism. I dont mind that all of these people read it, not at all, I think I even like the fact. That was the whole idea of it, right? If someone is wondering whats going on with Zovka, comes here, reads, and knows. But, apperantly some people where a little but disgussted, because sometimes Im being vulgar, I talk about sex matters etc...[?]... OK, I think Im lacking a point here, but the true is I dont know myself what to really think about it. I guess it shocked me a bit how eassy is the access to my blog. You just type "zosia korea" in google, and there I am. I lost my head.
Good luck to Tomasz in Paris. He even dares to say that French people speak English, and more over are nice and very.... helpfull! [interesting].
Wracamy. W Chumphon na stacji.
Going back. Train station in Chumphon.
Maggie sleeping on the train. If youd ever be traveling from the south to Bangkok, dont you ever take a bus. For the train we paid maybe like 100 bath more, but it was nice and comfortable. We got a really good sleep that nite, and the atmosphere on that train was pretty cool too.
Japanesse people are convinced that cutlet is Japanesse. During class we got into a small quarrel because of that. We eat cutlet with a fork and a knife, so howcome you dare to tell me that it is from
Korean people have a really fucked childhood. Or ill better say, they don’t have it at all. A “regular Korean kid” goes to school every morning. After school has like 2 or 3 hours of a freetime. During which eat lunch and do homework. Next goes to afternoon school where studies English, math, music, taekwondo, or has other girl/boy scouts meeting. He/she is back home around
They’ve got no hair! Girls have barely hairy legs. On arms, they have no hair at all. But but…. Angelika noticed this one guy in the subway… he had no hair on arms, but had really hairy fingers!
Can someone tell me if a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, cause now, I really don’t know anymore…
And now enjoy the instruction of how to eat tweji kalbi.