Tak wiec z tych i innych przyczyn sie nie odzywalam bardzo dlugo. Tak w ogole to u nas wszystko pieknie. Praca w zarze mi sie podoba. W zasadzie to czasem jest straaaasznie smiesznie. Sebastian, moja najlepsza przyjaciolka, poprostu wymiata. Dzisiaj wieczorem jest impreza zarowa, zegnamy Methew ktory leci sobie do Australii, no i jest wielka impreza. Sebastian postanowil sie mna "zajac" i zabral mnie na zakupy. Nabylam piekne czerwone obcasy, i prawie przezroczysta bluske. No nie moge sie po prostu doczekac tej imprezy, to bedzie przezabawne, ja w tych butach, pijana, probujaca chodzic, albo nawet olaboga tanczyc. Napewno wrzuce jakies foty jak bede miala. Ah, no i sztuczne rzesy mam ponoc tez wdziac na siebie. No poprostu cala latam z podekscytowania.
At first they switched off internet for some reason. Just after that my computer broke. Maciej was trying to save our files by putting them on his ipod, that broke a while later as well. Now the computer works, but actually screen doesnt, so i can see nothing. My ipod died as well, and today morning even my depilator!
So, there you go, from those and some other reasons, I havent been writting here much. In general everything is beautifull here with us. I enjoy a lot working in Zara. Actually sometimes it soooo much fun. Sebastian my best girlfriend is absolutelly hilarious. Tonite there is a Zara party, we`re saying goodbye to Mathew who is going to Australia. Sebastian decided to "take care" of me and took me to do some shoppings. I got wonderfull red high heels, and almost see throw top. And I cant seriously wait to the party, im so excited!, it is going to be extra funny, me in those shoes, drunk, trying to walk, and even dance. I will put some photos here if I had some. Oh, and Im suposed to wear fake eye lashes as well. :D haha !
Bylismy z Maciejem jakis czas temu w ogrodzie botanicznym. Wreszcie nam sie udalo tam po roku dotrzec. Ostatnio,czyli w zeszle lato doszlismy do jakiegos cmentarza i stwierdzilismy ze dalej nam sie nie chce isc, okazalo sie jednak ze ogrod botaniczny byl tuz za plotem. No nic to. Udalo nam sie teraz. Pogoda bylo nawet dajaca rade. Piekne slonce tylko zimno troszke. Byly wiewioreczki, i ptaszki i w ogole przyjemnie. ;];]
We went to the botanic garden with Maciej the other day. Finally after a year we did it. Last time, which was last summer, we got to the old cementery and didnt feel like going any more, well the botanic garden was actually just behind one fence. Anyways, we got there this year. The weather was even quite nice. Beautifull sun, but a bit chilly. There were some squirrels, and birds, and it was nice in general...;];]
Maciejowi bardzo spodobala sie wystawa traw. Byl nia poprostu zachwycony. A tak nawiasem to moj chlopak zaczyna trenowac jujitsu. ;]
Maciej liked a lot an exibition of grases. He couldnt get over it. And by the way, my boyfriend started to do jujitsu. ;]
And I was hugging tries.
And ducks were there as well, beautifull fall, super romantic.
And green bridge, leading to the rose garden.
Ide sie bawic. Wlasnie umalowalam paznokcie i dwa paznogcie. Z kciukami zawsze najgorzej...
CU guys!
Im going to have fun now, I just painted my nails, the thumbs are always the worst...
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