piątek, 30 listopada 2007

kilka refleksji z pracy

1. Jestem beznadziejnym sprzedawca. ;] Gdyby ktorys z menagerow uslyszal co ja czasami mowie do klientow to by mnie z miejsca wywalil. Wczoraj jednemu panu bardzo podobala sie jedna kurteczka. Nie mielismy jego rozmiaru i zastanawial sie czy nie wziasc tej rozmiar mniejeszej. Ktora byla mu tytke za mala. Ciasno w niej troche wygladal. Powiedzialam mu, ze nie powinien wydawac kasy na cos w czym ledwie jest w stanie sie ruszyc nie wspominajaac o wlozeniu grubszego swetra. Nie kupil. Wieczorem menager nazekal ze malo zarobilismy i jak to mozliwe, bo tyle bylo ludzi.

1. Im a horible sales assistant. ;] If any of my menagers would have heard what I say to the customers sometimes, I would be fired right away. Yesterday one guy liked this coat a lot, but we didnt have his size. He was considering getting the smaler one. He looked a bit tight in it though. I told him, that he shouldnt waste his money on a cout that he is barely able to move in, not mentioning wearing a thicker jumper. He didn buy it. That nite the menager was complaning that we didnt make a target, and how is that possible since, we had so many customers..

2. Straszne mile jest to jak ludzie doceniaja moja prace. Ostatnio jeden taki irlandzki drechol przybiegl z drugiego konca sklepu [gdzie byla kasa] co by mi podziekowac za to ze mu pomoglam. Albo innym razem przyszedl jeden chlopak i poprosil MNIE konkretnie o rade bo ostatnio mu tak dobrze powiedzialam. No i mu tak poradzilam ze nic nie kupil. Bo znowu plaszcz byl za maly. Strasznie mi bylo przykro. No ale chlopak podziekowal za szczerosc. Iiiiii jeszcze dzis taka pozytywna sytuacja. Pomagalam panu z wyborem marynarki, bo nie znal kompletnie swojego rozmiaru. I mi sie zapytal z czego sie tak ciesze. A ja mu powiedzialam ze nie pracuje dlugo w branzy ciuchowej. I ze na rozmairach tez sie nie znam jakos super. A dalam mu 52 i pasowalo odrazu idalenie. I powiedzialam mu ze po prostu strasznie mnie to cieszy. I pan powiedzial ze jego rowniez to cieszy.;] Dobralismy spodenki i pan klient nabyl fajny komplecik.

2. It is incredibly nice when people appreciate your work. Recently one of those irish knacekrs came from the other side of the store, where the cash desk is, just to thank me for finding a cardigan for him. Or other time, there was this customer who ask ME for an advice, becasue last time I helped him so good. So I gave him an advice and he got nothing. Becasue the coat was too small again. I felt sad. But the guy thanked for being honest at least. Aaaand, today it was very nice.. when I was helping this guy to find a blazer, cause he didnt know his size. He asked me why am I laughing, and I said that I dont work in clothes trade too long, and I dont know much about sizes either, and I said that it is basically making me very happy that I gave him size 52 and it fits perfectly. He said that he is happy about it as well. ;] We found a trausers as well, and he got a nice outfit.

3. Zostalam poderwana w windzie! Wracalam z magazynu, wsiadlam do windy. Drzwi juz sie zamykaly, ale jakas meska reka je w ostatniej chwili zatrzymala.... Wsiadl kolo ktorego znam z widzenia bo pracuje tez w dundrumie. Pan Wegier. I pojechalismy sobie winda milczac. Wysiadlam na swoim pietrze. I nagle Pan Wegier mnie wola. Odwracam sie, a on stal oparty tak smiechowo zawadiacko o drzwi windy, i mowi do mnie "can I ask you a stupid question?". A ja ze "sure" wiadomo. Na co Pan Wegier "Do you have a boyfriend?". [wiedzialam.] "That was not a stupid question ;] and I do have a boyfriend". " He is a very lucky men then". "Yes he is, indeed". Ah, jaka rozesmiana wrocilam do sklepu. ;] A dzisiaj przyszedl taki tez staly klient ktorego zawsze z Sebastianem ubieramy. Wybralalismy razem kilka koszul a potem pan Klient Michal z pod warszawy zaprosil mnie na kawe i to bylo bardzo mile. ;]

3. I got passed in an elevator! I was on my way back from the stockroom, I got on the elevator. The door were closing allready, when some men hand stopped it... That was a guy who I know just because he works for the shopping center. Mister from Hungary. So we were on our elevator ride being all quiet. I got off on my flor. And sudenly Mister Hungary called me. I turned back, and he was standing there in his flirty pose holding the elevators door and says to me "can I ask you a stupid question?" And I said "sure" of course. And then he goes "do you have a boyfriend?" [I knew it.] " thats not a stupid question ;] and I do have a boyfriend". "he is a very lucky men then". "yes, he is, indeed". I came back to the store with a huge smile on my face. ;] And today there was this regular customer in Zara, we picked some shirt for him, and than Mister Regular Customer from around Warsaw invited me for a cup of caffee, and that was very nice. ;]

4. I po hiszpansku gadam w pracy i mnie to cieszy. ;] Que passa mariquita !? ;]

4. And I speak some spanish at work as well, and i love it. ;] Que passa mariquita !? ;]


3 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...

holaaaaaa amiga!! yes, i remembered your blog, but, sorry, i dont understand polish, only sometimes, sebastian, mathew, etc. what about me?? hahaa, and your story about "do u have boyfriend??" yes i do have!!.
well, i hope u dont miss me to much at Zaraz.
kisses amiga

zovka pisze...

Hola Kolega ! Well, have a look now, I translated all of it into English. Enjoy! ;]
Maybe someday It will be in Spanish as well. Haha, for now just "Que passa Mariquita!" !!
Hasta Luego Tio ! Enjoy holidays. ;]

Anonimowy pisze...

Gracias por traducir al ingles, now i feel much better.
I hope you dont feel so sad now, se you soon farofeira!!!