Slyszalam o tym zjawisku juz dawno. Koreanczycy uwielbiaja spiewac. I jak sie jest nowym, to trzeba w ramach przywitania zaspiewac. Bylam przerazona tym faktem.
Tutaj, kazde wyjsce to knajpy konczy sie w norebangu. Really really. No bo ile mozna siedziec na tylku i poprostu pic. A w norebangu to dostaje sie pokoik, dwa mikrofony, jest muzyka, mozna potanczyc i jest jakis napoj wlasny. I to tanie jest.
Juz sie przyzwyczailam. Polacy tez pokochali norebang. Mamy kilka piosenek ktore musze byc odspiewane za kazdym razem jak tam jestesmy.
Na miejscu pierwszym: rape me -nirvana [?]
Nastepnie kilka smetow typu creep, zombie i I dont wanna miss a thing. Aha, no i barbie girl -aqua !! :D
A ze powoli mamy dosc tego zachodniego chlamu to przerzucamy sie na koreanskie hity.;]
거짓말 big bang
tell me wonder girls
A teraz kilka fotek.
Poznajcie Cianksyna [Chiny] i Kjulsie [Turcja].
Meet Cianksyn [China] and Kjulsia [Tureky].
A oto James [RPA] -"Is this because im black !?!"
James from South Africa. -"Is this because im black !?!"
Za kazdym razem jak mamy isc do nore to mi sie juz tak nie chce, ile mozna, mam juz dosyc, ale okazuje sie ze tego nie da sie miec dosyc. ;] Aha, no i Lemon Tree.... zawsze przypomina mi sie pewna Wielkanoc w Pradze ;]
Everytime when we are suposed to go to nore I really dont want to do that. Im getting sick of it, but it seems that there is no such thing as getting sick of this place, really. ;] Oh... and Lemon Tree... it always reminds me about Easter in Prague. ;]
Tutaj, kazde wyjsce to knajpy konczy sie w norebangu. Really really. No bo ile mozna siedziec na tylku i poprostu pic. A w norebangu to dostaje sie pokoik, dwa mikrofony, jest muzyka, mozna potanczyc i jest jakis napoj wlasny. I to tanie jest.
Juz sie przyzwyczailam. Polacy tez pokochali norebang. Mamy kilka piosenek ktore musze byc odspiewane za kazdym razem jak tam jestesmy.
Na miejscu pierwszym: rape me -nirvana [?]
Nastepnie kilka smetow typu creep, zombie i I dont wanna miss a thing. Aha, no i barbie girl -aqua !! :D
A ze powoli mamy dosc tego zachodniego chlamu to przerzucamy sie na koreanskie hity.;]
거짓말 big bang
tell me wonder girls
A teraz kilka fotek.
I heard about this thing long time ago. Koreans like to sing. And if youre new in the group you have to sing something in order to say hello. I was terified becasue of that.
Here every nite out in the pub ends up in the karaoke place, really. Cause just sitting and drinking is boring. In norebang youve got a whole room, two mikes, music, you can dance, and drink whatever you want. And all this is pretty cheap.
I got used to this. Poles love norebang. Weve got couple of songs that have to be sung everytime were there.
On the first place: rape me -nirvana [?]
Than some "i want to kill myself" stuff like: creep, zombie and I dont want to miss a thing. Oh, and there is Barbie Girl by aqua as well. ;]
And since we are getting bored with this western shit music, we are trying some korean stuff. ;]
거짓말 big bang
tell me wonder girls
And now, some photos.
Tu nasz ulubiony kawalek - Lemon tree !!
Our favorite song -Lemon Tree !!
Chris je mikrofon.
Chris consuming the mike.Here every nite out in the pub ends up in the karaoke place, really. Cause just sitting and drinking is boring. In norebang youve got a whole room, two mikes, music, you can dance, and drink whatever you want. And all this is pretty cheap.
I got used to this. Poles love norebang. Weve got couple of songs that have to be sung everytime were there.
On the first place: rape me -nirvana [?]
Than some "i want to kill myself" stuff like: creep, zombie and I dont want to miss a thing. Oh, and there is Barbie Girl by aqua as well. ;]
And since we are getting bored with this western shit music, we are trying some korean stuff. ;]
거짓말 big bang
tell me wonder girls
And now, some photos.
Tu nasz ulubiony kawalek - Lemon tree !!
Our favorite song -Lemon Tree !!
Meet Cianksyn [China] and Kjulsia [Tureky].
James from South Africa. -"Is this because im black !?!"
Everytime when we are suposed to go to nore I really dont want to do that. Im getting sick of it, but it seems that there is no such thing as getting sick of this place, really. ;] Oh... and Lemon Tree... it always reminds me about Easter in Prague. ;]
2 komentarze:
Sister - dla mnie też Lemon Tree to ten wyjazd ale że Ty to pamiętasz..... miałaś Babo 10lat;-)
jasne ze pamietam, nawet pamietam jak zachwycalas sie czeskimi polami. ;];]
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