For two days, spontagnious. Very nice. Con Milita, cause Im Zosita, and actually farofeira as well. It was in Belfats where it has started, cause I had thermos with coffee, sandwiches, biscuits, and cards, I was prepared very well in general. .. And that kind of person is called farofeira in beautiful country of Brazil. Everybody makes fun of her, but oh well.... Biscuits saved us not ones, not even mentioning the coffee.
Dzien I. Mila pierwszy raz raczy swe dlonie brytyjska waluta.
Day I. Mila first time deigning her hands with British currency.
Mila is happy about the pink bus. Yes, in Belfast the city buses are pink. How great ! ;]
Beginning tour around Belfast in one of those Tourist buses with weird tour guide. Mila fell asleep, she saw nothing. ;]
I want that kind of scooter, Santa ! ;];]
There was no other way [apparently] to fit me in to that photo. I like it.
In Eglatine for dinner. Nice place. I recommend. Good atmosphere. I funky colour.
Day II. Coffee was essential. I ordered Larde, but I got Enormous. ';]
We are going up, and attacking road signs on our way.
And there we are ;].
Mila -flower freak.
Going back to Dublin.
A sam Belfast jest bardzo podobny do Dublina. Tylko malo sie dzieje na miescie wieczorami. W piatek jak poslzysmy na impreze to mialysmy problem zeby znalesc jakis pub, nie mowiac o tym zeby byl fajny i imprezka w pyte. No ale w koncu znalazlysmy. Poznalysmy geja, kupil nam po rozy. Byl tez skrzypek ktory wygladal jak Labenski, wskazal mnie smyczkiem w tlumie i kazal spiewac. Zaprowadze tam mame nastepnym razem. Ona mu pospiewa. ;]
Pozdro600! ;]
Im going to visit Belfast once again. Maybe I take my mum. ;] I would like to see those famous cliffs form Led Zepelin cover. I have never seen the cover itself to tell you the true, but I saw the photos of the cliffs, and they do look awesome.
And Belfast itself is very similar to Dublin. But there is not much going on at nites. On Friday we went out, and we had a serious problem with finding a pub, then a nice one, with a cool party inside. But we found on at last. We met a gey gay, he bought each of us one rose;]. There was this guy as well who was playing on the violin, he looked like my history teacher form High School. He pointed at me with a fiddlestick and asked to sing. I take my mum to that place next time. She will sing for him. ;]
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