niedziela, 25 maja 2008

angelika z druzyna pierscienia

Golumy, Hobity i inne Matisy.
[Poznani w m2, no bo gdziezby indziej. Maja tak po ok19 lat, sa przeswietni. Traktuja nas jak zjawisko, tak jak i my ich. Bo kurna, sa dosc zjawiskowi. Jeden z nich ma czasami rzad kolczykow zamiast brwi. No bo czemu by nie. A inny jest gwiazda TV, wczoraj sie dowiedzialysmy jak ciagle jakies Koreanki chcialy sie z nim fotografowac. "O co kaman? -no bo on jest z TV. -aha.". Maja rozciagniete uszy, jedza tylko pokympap co by nie utyc, i pala kadzidelkowane papierosy -przepycha!].

Met in m2, ofcourse. They are about 19 years old, super fun guys. They treat us like a phenomenon, just like we treat them. Cause, cmon have a look, they are something. One of them sometimes has a row of rings instead of eyebrows, the other one is a TV star. We just realised yesterday when Korean girls wouldnt stop pointing at him and wanted to take photos with him. "what the hell? -he is a TV star. -oh." Theyve got streched eyers, eat only pokympap cause dont want to get fat, and smoke incensed cigarettes -supertasty!]

sloneczko duze wiec na podworze wyszly parasolki, male i duze....

Absolutnie fascynuje mnie to zjawisko. Koreanczycy panicznie boja sie slonca [golebi tez, ale to zupelnie inna sprawa]. Maja dzika obsesje na bladosc. Dziewczyny uzywaja mnostwo kosmetykow wybielajacych, pudrow i innych ace wybielaczy. Kiedys prawie peklam ze smiechu jak zobaczylam taka jedna madra Koreanke w klubie, w swietle fluorescencyjnym. Ha! :D W ogole, tu to bez parasola ani rusz. Jak nie przeciw sloncu to zawsze sie przyda na zly deszcz z Chin, ktory powoduje wyapadanie wlosow.
Kocham Koree.

This phenomenon is absolutelly fascinating. Koreans are super scared of sun [of pigeons as well, but this is a diferent story]. They are obsesed with being pale. Girls use tones of whitening cosmetics. Once I saw this super clever girl, wearing a lot of whitening make up, in a fluorescent light in a club. :D !
Anyways, without an umbrella in Korea, dont leave your place. If not against sun, you can always use it against bad rain from China that causes falling out of hair.
I love Korea.

piątek, 23 maja 2008

wtorek, 20 maja 2008

sleeping pose competition continues

Foto zostalo nadeslane przez Gaske Wyscigowa. "Zocha lat 10". Poki co na pozycji nr 1.
We got this photo from Gaska Wyscigowa. "Zocha 10 years old". Number 1 so far.

Macie cos lepszego ? :> Prosze zapodac --> ^^
Have you got something better than this? Well, dont hestitage to share --> ^^

niedziela, 18 maja 2008

everybody meet Mike !

Plan byl zupelnie inny. Mialysmy jechac w gory. Jakos takos wyszlo ze wyladowalysmy nad morzem. Trzeba przyznac ze bylo dosc fantastycznie. Jechalismy tam milion godzin, z godzinke czekalismy rowniez na most. Bo sie na moment zalal morzem. I robilismy sobie glupie fotki bialym lanserskim komputerem Mike`a^^
We didnt plan it at all. We were suposed to go to the mountains. But somehow we ended up at the shore. I need to say -it was quite fantastic. We drove there for ages. We also had to wait like an hour for a bridge, cause it was flooded by sea. So we took some stupid photos with Mikes laptop. ^^
Rodzinna kolacja gdzies nad morzem gdzies w Korei.
Family dinner. Somewhere by the shore, somewhere in Korea.
Te zyjatka z owych duzych muszli byly ciagle zywe jak je wkladalismy na ruszt! Tak nam przynajmniej powiedziano. Tak przynajmniej zrozumialam. Byly pyszne w kazdym razie. A, no i w srodku zielone!! A w garku gotuja sie osmiornice. Kurka, ale to bylo pycha wszystko....

This big shell things were still alive when we put them on the grille. Well, that is what we were told at least. Well, that is what I understood at least. It was delicious. Aaa, and green inside! In the pot there are some octopus boiling. Damn, it was good.

Sleeping pose competition.
Zdecydowanie Jong wygrywa ^^
Definitely Jong wins ^^
Angelika, Mike, Jong, Zosia & Kevin.
Kriss Kross "jump jump" :D (kriss kross znowu nagrywaja ponoc by the way^^).Angelika, Mike & Koko.Koreanskie wariactwo pod parasolka. My absolutelly favorite one.
Korean crazyness under the umbrella. My absolutelly favorite one.
Koreanskie wariactwo pod parasolka II. ^^
Korean crazyness under the umbrella II. ^^
Who`s in the middle? Its Mike in the middle!!Aaa, no i karuzele tez byly !!
Oh, and there were some carrousels as well !!
A tak wyglada Koreanska piekna plaza. :D
And thats how Korean beautifull beach looks like. :DHe?
Wycieczka byla super. Takie spontaniczne niezaplanowane akcje zawsze sa najciekawsze. W gory planujemy isc w przyszly weekend, moze nam sie w koncu uda. ;]
A tak w ogole z newsow od Zovki to mam do napisania palpio znowu. To oznacza ze zblizaja sie examiny polowkowe (juz!?). W ogole, semetr sie konczy za 1,5 miesiaca. Korea mi sie konczy za 1,5 miesiaca. Nie podoba mi sie ta mysl. Ani troche, ani ciut i ani tyci.
W Korei slonce daje czadu. Musze przywdziac krotkie portki i opalic nozki.
Zofia zrobila sobie profil na facebook`u. Mam mega radoche, bo znalazlam znajomych moich smiesznych z USA. I sobie ogladam ich fotografie i patrze i sie dziwuje jak to sie pozmieniali. ;]

The trip was super. Those kind of spontagnious events are always fun. We are planning to go to the mountains next week. Maybe will manage. ;]
And what else from new stuff ... Ive got a speech to do again, witch means, that the midterms are around the corner. And the semester will finish in like 1,5 month. Korea will finish for me in 1,5 month as well. I dont like that! At all !
I got a facebook profile recently. It is exciting. I found some of my friends from the USA. I watch their photos, and get all surprised like they all have changed. Quite cool.;]

poniedziałek, 12 maja 2008

rodzinna wycieczka nad morze

opowiem wam jutro. ;]
family trip to the shore
ill tell you guys later. ;]

2nd Seoul World DJ Festival

Troche malo wam opowiadalam ostatnio co sie u mnie dzialo. . Wybaczcie, ale po prostu uznalam ze ile mozna opowiadac o imprezowaniu, klubowaniu i .. imprezowaniu. Poszlysmy ostatnio z Angelika na fajny festiwal DJowski. Taki klimat jak na polskim Woostocku. Czyli pijani ludzie, brod, smrod, syf i dobra zabawa. Bylysmy z kolegami ktorzy zorganizowali wszystko. Kocyk, kielbaska, chrupeczki, cola, orzeszki, alkohol 1, alkohol 2, alkohol 3 etc. Zabawa byla szalona. Muzyka git git gites. Spotkalysmy kolegow z m2, spotkalysmy tez kolege ze szkoly. Wszyscy tacy uradowani, z bananem na buzi, podrygujac nozka nawet sobie nie zdajac z tego sprawy. Wykonawcow bylo sporo, znalam moze jeden sklad, ale to i tak nieistotne bo i tak ich nie lubie. Jeden wykonawca byl troche jakby nienormalny, przebieral sie co chwile w jakies glupie wielkie kostiumy, takie kurcze jakby niby ogromne miesnie, a la HULK, albo przylozyl sobie metalowa maske do twarzy i [jaki to czasownik, zebym to ja wiedziala]... iskry lecialy jak glupie!, swiatlo!, szal-cial!, koreanczycy wariuja!, dziewczeta mdleja!, on sam jest w stanie totalnego odjazdu, a ja stoje i patrze... i nie rozumiem. Za to na koniec zrobil cos fajnego. Bo wyszedl w takiej wielkiej plastykowej kuli. W srodku sobie byl. I wszedl na nas. ;] Zaczal biegac w tej kuli tak po ludziach. To bylo dosc fajne. Anyways, poza tym dziwnym wodzirejem, byli tez normalni przedstawiciele ludzi grajacych. Na koniec uraczyl nas sam pan dj kawasaki from Japan. Po festivalu koledzy poszli spac do domku, bo juz wiekowi troszke sa, wiec byli umeczeni. A my poszlysmy na poranna impreze na Hongdae, no bo dlaczego by nie. Nastepnie zjadlysmy sniadanie z kolega ok godziny 12. I to wlasnie wtedy nie spalysmy 30h.
I domyslam sie ze troche nudno sie to wszystko juz czyta. Bo ta Zocha w Korei nic nie robi tylko chodzi na imprezy i nic ciekawego sie nie dzieje. -zgadzam sie. Dlatego, skonczylam z tym. The End.
p.s. Na zdjeciu Angelika, szanowny kolega Chan Woo, i Zofia jeszcze ze starym herkatem. Lubie te fotke[i] bardzo.

It seems that I dont tell you much latelly about what is going on in my life. Sorry, but I just figured that talking about the same things over and over its not that interesting. Some time ago, Angelika and me went to this DJ festival thing. The atmosphere was similar to polish woodstock festival. Drunk people, dust, mess and good fun. We went with some guyfriends of ours that organised everything. Blanket, coke, food, nuts, alcohol 1, alcohol 2, alcohol 3 etc... It was great fun. Music nice nice. We met some friends from m2, we met some friends from school. Everybody somohow very pleased, with a banana on their faces ;];], hopping with their foot not even realizing it. There was quite a lot of performers, I knew like one, but it doesnt even matter cause I dont like them anyways. One guy was absolutelly nuts. Id say he was a bit retarded. We was wearing this stupid costumes, these like huge muscles a la HULK, or he put this metal mask to his face and than.. i dont even know this verb in english [in polish either]... sparks were everywhere!, light!, crazyness among everyone!, Koreans are getting nuts!, girls faint!, he is in a total amok, and Im standnig there, looking at all this.... and I dont get it. In the end though he did something cool. He appeared in this huge plastic ball. He was inside. And he just walked on us. ;] He started to run on us. It was quite cool. Beside this strange guy, there were some normal musicians as well. In the end we got to experience the music of dj kawasaki from Japan. After the festival our friends went home to get some rest. And us... we went to this morning party in Hongdae, oh well, why not. Next we got some breakfast with our friend at around 12. And that was when we havent slept for 30 hours.
I guess reading this is probobly boring to you. Because Zosia being in Korea does nothing else but party, and nothing really interesting is going on over there. - I agree. Thats why I finished with that. The end.
p.s. On the picture Angelika, dear Chan Woo, and Zofia with old haircut. I like that[these] photo[s] a lot.
p.s.2. I cant do these translations anymore. Im so tired of this. Aaaargh, damn, my English is getting worst and worst. I read this stuff, and I see that in English it is not that fun anymore. Sorry... I ll try to do better. Or I just skip in to Korean. ^^

moja dziewczyna...

wcina kimpap/.
my girlfriend .... eating kimpap.I tylko ona jest jak jedwab^^

poniedziałek, 5 maja 2008

daj mi spokoj, nie spalam od 30h.

Give me a break, I havent slept for 30hours.