środa, 26 grudnia 2007


Musze wam cos powiedziec.. Otoz, tegoroczne swieta bozego narodzenia uwazam za udane. Powiem wiecej, swietnie sie bawilam. I pomimo chwil kiedy bylo mi smutno lub kiedy nie moglam sie ruszac z przejedzenia i jeczalam z bolu, to naprawde kurdziu mac byly to fajne swieta!
--I need to tell you something.. I consider this year Christmas successful. Ill tell you more, I had great fun. And nevertheless there were moments when I was sad, or when I couldnt move cause I ate too much, and I was moaning out of pain, it was fricken nice and fun Christmas!
Na wigilie zostalam w domu. Mialam kilka zaproszen w inne miejsca, ale stwierdzilam ze ten domek to nie tylko Maciej, ale i rowniez Tomek i Czapla ktorzy sa w koncu moimi przyjaciolmi, i nie bede robic scen i zostane z nimi. Tomasz sie nagotowal, zrobil kilka naprawde w paszke dan. Troche za duzo zjadlam wiec przez jakas godzine stekalam z bolu. Nie moglam sie ruszac, wiec poprostu sobie postekiwalam. Jak mi juz przeszlo to byla wodka i martini martini. nastepnie zrobilo mi sie troszke smutno z wiadomej przyczyny, ktora siedziala dokladnie naprzeciwko mnie, wiec poszlam sobie zwyczajnie spac i zasnelam jak zaczarowana.
--I stayed home for Christmas Eve. I got some invitations to my friends houses, but I figured that this house it is not only Maciej, but Tomek and Czapla aswell, who are my friends, so Im not gonna make scenes, and Ill stay for them. Tomek cooked a lot. Some quite really tasty stuff. I ate a bit too much so for like an hour I was just moaning. I couldnt move at all, so I was just sitting and being in pain. When I got over it there was some vodka, and martini martini. Next I got a bit upset, b/c of everyone knows what reason, that was sitting in front of me, so I went to bed and felt asleep like enchanted.
W pierwsze swieto nie dzialala zadna komunikacja miejska. Umowilam sie u znajomych na Ratmines na 5, wiec zaraz po przebudzeniu, ok godziny 3 wyruszylam do nich piechtom. Po drodze zabawiono mnie polaczeniem telefonicznym z samej Polski, ba, z samych Szamotul. Moj brat nawet zamienil ze mna slow pare. Szalenie mile to bylo wszystko. ;] Do Łukaszow dotarlam w sumie w godzinke. Przywitano mnie w progu z chlebem i sola i kielonkiem. A potem bylo wiecej kielonkow... I chociaz nie jestem wielka fanka komikow i takich takich, to zasiedlismy do ogladania pana brzuchomowcy i musze przyznac ze poskladam sie ze smiechu. Peanut, mnie rozmiotl. Sa Nata A Naaa! Zobaczcie sami. Eh. Nastepnie potuptalam do Seby. U Seby byly papierosy, ploteczki i scrabble. Poszlismy sobie tez na spacerek po wyludnionym Dublinie. Potem gadalismy do pozna w wyrku o glupotach. Rano znowu scrable, wiecej glupot, historie o kucykach pony, jak najlepiej wybielic sobie zabki, teledyski Britney, zabawy z wlosami i winoooo..
--On the 25th, there was no public transportation. I was suposed be at my friends house in Rathimens at 5, so just after I woke up, at around 3 I left my place and just walked there. On my way I was entartained with a phonecall from Poland, moreover from Szamotuly. Even my brother talked with me for a sec. And all that was very nice. ;] I got to my friends after an hour, I was welcomed in the door with a bread, salt and a wet. And in the inside there was more of them... And eventhough Im not a big fun of comedian shows and stuff like that, we watched a ventriloquist show, and I need to admit, it was fricken awesome. Peanut, was the best. Sa Nata A Naaa! Have a look yourself. Eh. Next I walked to Sebastians. There were some cigarettes, gossips and scrabble. We went for a walk as well, around depopulated Dublin. Then we chatted to the very late about all kind of shit. In the morning more scrabble, more shitchat, stories about ponies, how to whiten the teeth, Britneys videos, some fun with hair, and vineee.
Pieknie wloski ma Seba, co nie ? ;]
Beautiful hair he`s got,doesnt he? ;]
Wieczorem skoczylam jeszcze na pifko sobie con mi amigo Curro y Juan tambien. I troche jestem wstawiona. To wino rano, a potem piwo... Ojoj. Posprzatalam pieknie pokoj, bo wiecie co... ;] hahaha, jutro wpada Tomasz do mnie z samej Polski !! Ah, jaki sie ciesze. Rozlozylam mu juz materacyk na podlodze w mojej izbie, wypralam nawet jakies przescieradlo. Jutro w zasadzie pracuje, ale od piatku mam ok tydzien wolnego, wiec bedziemy zwiedzac, jezdzic, pstrykac, smiac sie, i rzucac wlosami. Nie moge sie doczekac!!
--At night I went to have a pint with my friend Curro and Juan aswell. I need to day Im a bit screwed at the moment. This vine in the morning and than beer.. Anyways, I cleaned my room, b/c guess what...;], aaahaha, tomorow Tomasz from Poland is comming!! OMG, Im so glad. I put a mattress in my chamber for him already. Actually Im working tomorow, but since Friday Im off for like a week, so we will be seeing sights, going around, taking photos, laughing, and sway our hair. Im so excited !!

Kochani, zyczenia beda... ;] Na ten nadchodzacy Nowy Rok jak i rowniez na kazde kolejne lata... Przyjaciol !! Bo zdaje sie ze bez faceta [tudziez dziewczyny] to mozna zyc, ale bez przyjaciol to dopiero by sie wszystko posypalo.... Tego wam zyczy Zosia i zaspany Sebus.
--Guys, for rhe New Year, and for the next ones as well ... friends!! Because apparently without a boyfriend [or a girlfriend] it is possible to live, but without friends, life would really break apart. Zosia & sleeping beauty - Seba.
p.s. Postaram sie juz nie zarzucac tu takimi sentymentalnymi tekstami wiecej. Juz pewnie wystarczy, co nie ? A tak w ogole, to jutro z ranca odbieram paczuszke co mi tatko z siostra przyslali. Ha ! ;]
p.s. Ill try not to put anymore of that kind of sentimental stuff in here. I guess it is a time to get over it now. And by the way, tomorow in the morning Im going to the post office to get a parcel my daddy and sis have sent me. Ha ! ;]

sobota, 22 grudnia 2007

the dragon

Jak zobaczylam wczoraj Sebastiana ze swoim czarnym kolega to dopiero uwierzylam ze geje istnieja naprawde.
When I saw Sebastian with his black friend last night, I just believed that gay people exist for real.

czwartek, 20 grudnia 2007

jenga jenga...

Kurcze jak to bylo dawno, ale jak bylo super. ;] Martini i jenga.
A while ago, but so much fun.. Martini and jenga.
zofia magik. zofia the magician.

A potem przyszedl Dzbanek rowniez. Dzban was there aswell.
Martini martini.
My super ex-boyfriend.
Panie Gwiazdorku, poprosze jenge pod choinke. Super jest. Taka jenge to kazdy powienien miec w posiadaniu. Tak uwazam. Elo. No i martini ofkors.
Dear Santa, I would like a jenga for Christmas. It is great. Everyone should have one. I think so. And martini aswell. Ofcourse.

sleepless in dublin

Malo sypiam ostatnio. Doszlam jednak do wniosku ze lepiej chodzic zaspana i zmeczona anizeli zdolowana. Mam to szczescie miec wokol siebie ludzi ktorzy dbaja o mnie. ;]
I dont sleep much recently. I figured that it is better to be sleepy and tired instead of being depressed. Im lucky enough to have people around who take care of me. ;]
Po zamknieciu bardzo bardzo nie chcialo mi sie wracac do domu. Wskoczylam wiec do Luasa i pojechalam do Debory i Curro. Wsunelismy wspolnie kolacje -Curro zrobil hiszpanskiego omleta. Pyszny byl. Nie powiedzialam mu jednak tego, z nieznanych nikomu powodow nie potrafie mowic o jedzeniu. Poprostu je wcinam. Anyways... Debora poszla spac, a Curro i Zofia poszli do Odeona. Nie mialam kompletnie planow na zadna impreze tego dnia, malo tego, rano mialam jechac do pracy rowerem, wiec mialam na sobie wycierusy, starego tiszerta, golf i trampy z dziurami... Wyladowalam w clubie z umcy umcy muzyka, wokol mnie biegaly pol nagie irlandki, a ja tej koszulince ktora nosilam juz chyba z 3 dzien... Bylo super! ;] Wrocilam do domku ok4, a ok7 wstalam do pracy...
After closing I didnt feel like going back home at all. So I jumped into Luas and went to Deboras and Curros. We ate dinner together. Curro prepared a typical spanish omlet. It was very tasty. I didnt tell him that though. God one knows why, but Im not capable of talking about food. I just consume it. Anyways.. Debora went to bed, and Curro and Zofia went to Odeon. I didnt have any plans of going out that day, moreover, I was suposed to ride my bike in the morning, so I was wearing my shity jeans, and old tshirt, and my convers with holes... I was in this fancy club, half naked drunk irish beauties where running around... and me there in this crappy tshirt I wore for 3 day maybe.... I had so much fun anyways! ;] I was back home around 4, and around 7 I got up to work..
Bylo ciezko, ale wesolo. Po pracy chcialam sie przespac, ale jakos tak wyszlo ze tylko sie przebralam i pojechalam do miasta. W moich sexi czerwonych butkach udalam sie wraz z Seanem do Sebastiana. Pilismy, rozmawialismy o penisach, obgadywalismy nasze kolezanki z pracy a potem poszlismy do Dragona. Sebastian oczywiscie z ta swoja skrecona kostka ledwo mogl chodzic.... taaa, ale na parkiecie kurde rzadzil. Pilam pyszne drinki, krecilam tylkiem i dobrze sie bawilam. Wrocilam taksoweczka do domu okolo 4, okolo 9 wstalam do pracy...
It was hard, but fun. After work I was suposed to get a nap, but somehow I just changed and went to the city center. In my sexi shoes along with Sean we went to visit Sebastian. We drunk, talked about penises, about our friends from work and after all that we went to the Dragon. Sebastian with his twisted knuckle could barely walk of course... yea... he was fucking amasing on the dance floor again. I was drinking tasty drinks, dancing like crazy, and had a very good time. I came back home around 4 and around 9 I got up for work...
Bylo bardzo wesolo.. ;]
It was very funny at work. ;]
W poniedzialek po pracy tez wyladowalam na miescie, ale to sie nie udalo. Chyba bylam zbyt zmeczona, i nie moglam. Wrocilam do domu, rozplakalm sie i napisalam rozne smutne rzeczy na blogu.
On monday I hapened to be in the city center as well after work, but it didnt work that time. I guess I was too tired, and I just couldnt. I came back home, cried and wrote a sad entry on my blog.
A we wtorek przyszla wyplata. ;];];] Po pracy wrac z Debora i Curro udalismy sie na drinka do Winters. Pierwszy raz w zyciu pilam tekile! Byla tez anyzoweczka i takie takie... DJ gral fajna muzyke to sobie podylalismy, bylo troche zamowionych piosenek zarowych. ;];] Musze przyznac ze.. no ze sie upilam tak dosc zdrowo. Przez 5 min probowalam zapalic papierosa, ale nie moglam.. bo odpalalam go ze zlej strony. Nigdy mi sie jeszcze to nie przytrafilo. Zenada. Okolo 4 nad ranem jedlismy jeszcze pizze u nich w domu na kuchennej podlodze. A o 9 Zofia wstala do pracy... ;]
On tuesday we got paid. ;];] After work along with Debora and Curro we went for a pint at winters. For the first time in my life I drunk tecquila. DJ was playinig nice music, so we danced, there were some zara songs ordered by me. ;] I need to admit, I was quite a bit drunk. For maybe like 5 minutes I was trying to light my cigaret, but I couldnt... cause I was trying from the other side. Embarassing. It has never hapened to me before. Around 4 a clock we having pizza on the kitchen floor in their place. And at around 9 I got up to work.. ;]

I tak bedzie dalej i wiecej i mocniej. Bo jutro night out con Debora, w sobote christmas party, a niedziele bingo w Dzordzu... i tak dalej i tak dalej..
Dziwnie sie z tym wszystkim czuje. Z jednej strony jestem zalamana ze Maciej mnie zostawil, z drugiej, staram sie to zabic, zabawa, ciaglym wychodzeniem a potem zmeczeniem.. Ani jedno ani drugie nie jest tym czym bylam wczesniej. Jestem taka troszke zagubiona w samej sobie... Nie wiem jak to wytlumaczyc. Ciesze sie jednak ze mam tu przyjaciol ktorzy sa gdy ich potrzebuje. Naprawde mam bardzo duzo wsparcia od znajomych z pracy. No i oczywiscie od moich frendsow z Polski. Dziekuje wam za to z calego serca. CMOK CMOK ! Kocham was.
And it will be more of this. Cause tomorow night out with Debora, on saturday christmas party, and on sunday bingo at George.. etc etc...
I feel very weird about all this. I feel devastated because Maciej has left me, and Im trying to kill that feeling by partying, going out, and being tired after that.. But neither depression, or partying so hard, are not any of what I was before it had hapened. Im a bit lost in myself I guess. I dont know how to explain it. Im very glad Ive got friends around me. I really got a lot, A LOT of suport from my friends from work. And from the ones from Poland as well. I need to thank you guys for that. From the bottom of my heart. CMOK CMOK ! I love you.

poniedziałek, 17 grudnia 2007

I never liked Christmas, actually, I always hated it..
I thought that the worst Christmas ever is behind me already, and now it will be just better..
But I was very wrong.
Who could of expect, that the only person I really cared about so much, doesn't want me for this Christmas, or ever ever again.
And now we are closing door behind each other, so we don't have to see each other faces, or even say hi.
Plus, the songs are not helping, cause yes, "all I want for Christmas is you" ...

środa, 12 grudnia 2007

shirt size XL ? sorry we dont have..

Powiedzialam dzisiaj jednemu panu, ze skoro XXL jest za duza, a XL nie mamy, to niech kupi L, pomimo ze troszke jest za ciasna... -bedzie to dobry powod aby zrzucic troche tego brzuszka co pan tam nosi. ;]

I told one customer, that since XXL is way to big, and we dont have XL, that maybe he should get L, eventhough it is a bit tight... -it would be a good reason to loose some of that big belly ;]

niedziela, 9 grudnia 2007

to tak bardzo bardzo boli... (it hurts so much...)

.. ze nie moge chodzic.
W sobote po pracy, pojechalam do domku Sebastiana gdzie juz wszystkie geje czekaly. Tam sie przebralam, troszke umalowalam, przywdzialam butki. Niestety nikt nie byl juz wstanie przykleic mi sztucznych rzesow, a ja sama nie potrafilam, wiec poprostu sobie moje wlasne ostro potraktowalam zalotna zalotka. Pojechalismy do Dragona. Troszke bylam w smutnym nastroju, ale Przmeek mnie ladnie chwycil za raczke, oprowadzil, pokazal, przytulil i powiedzial ze jestem piekna. Pomoglo. Muzyka byla umcy umcy, ale dawalam rade. W moich boskich sexi czerwonych na obcasie butkach. Bylo sporo ludzi z pracy, Paddy kupil mi drinka, poprosilam o cos co bede mogla pic dlugo i dostalam iced tea ze wszystkim -jak mi to wytlumaczyl. Bylo pycha, po dwoch wymiatalam na parkiecie. Oczywiscie przy Sebastianie to i tak nie mialam szans, bo on to tam poprostu rzadzil, kolo sie rusza jak zawodowy tancerze, no boski jest, gwiazda a do tego kowboj. ;]
Wszyscy mi mowili ze bosko wygladam, i to bylo super mile, niektorzy sie gapili czy pod ta przezroczysta bluska mam w ogole stanik, i to bylo zabawne.
Pod koniec zaczely mnie stopki bolec, do autobusu doszlam jeszcze jakos... o dziwo bo to kawal drogi byl. W autobusie chyba mi stopu poprostu spuchly, bo jak wysiadlam to nie bylam wstanie dwoch krokow zrobic. Wiec zdjelam moje pantofelki, ale to wcale nie bylo dobrym rozwiazaniem, bo po asfalcie sie nie przyjemnie biega z takimi obalalymi stopami. Wiec usiadlam na murku, rozpakowalam torebke i przywidzialm trampeczki. Najlepsze buty na swiecie. ;]
Jak polozyoam sie do lozka jeszcze Curro zadzwonil, powiedzialam "Hola!", on powiedzial "Hola!" i sie rozlaczyl, a Zofia zasnela.
A chodzic do dzisiaj nie moge. W pracy wszyscy ze mnie lali, a to proprostu boli, chodzenie tak bardzo boli...

p.s. mam randke z drwalem lesnikiem !! Czyz to nie bajkowe !?

.. that I cant even walk.
Saturday after work I went to Sebastians house where all the gays were waiting. Ive changed over there, did a bit of make up, and put my lovely shoes on. Unfortunately nobody was ablea nymore to put the fake eyelashes on me, and I just dont know how, so I had to simply curle them up a lot. We went to Dragon. I was in a little bit of unhappy humor, but Przemek holded my hand, showed me around, gave a big hug and said Im beautifull. It helped. The music was umcy umcy, but I was doing great, in my sexi red high heels. There was a lot of people from work. Paddy bought me a drink. I asked for something that I can drink long. So I got some kind of Iced Tea, with a mix of everything -like he explained. It was delicious, after two I was crazy on the danceflor. Of course next to Sebastian I had no chance -he moves like a profesional dancer, he is a fucking star, and moreover a cowboy! ;]
Everybody was telling me that I look gorgeous, and that was very nice, some people were staring at my see throw top wondering if Im wearing a bra, and that was very funny.
Towards the end my feet started to hurt. Somehow I managed to get my nitelink bus, eventhoght it was quite far. In the bus my feet were probobly just swelling, cause when I got off, I couldnt walk at all. I took my shoes off, but it wasnt a good idea either, cause it hurts to walk barefoot on the street when your feet are all swollen. So I sat, unpack my pers, and put on my convers snickers, the best shoes on earth. ;]
I went to bed and Curro called. I said "Hola!", he said "Hola!" and hang up, and Zofia feel asleep.
And cant walk today. At work everybody was laughing at me, but it just hurts to walk...

p.s. Ive got a date with forester woodcutter !! Isnt that fabulous !?

sobota, 8 grudnia 2007

Naprawde nie wiem co powiedziec...
... wiec nie powiem.

Zimno jest, spalam dzisiaj w dresie i szaliku !!
Dzisiaj urodziny Sebatiana w Dragonie, wielka impreza, nie chce mi sie isc, ale wszyscy mi kaza, no to ide. I bede piekna.
A tu Zofia suszy wlosy grzejniczkiem, bo musielismy wyjsc za 10 min i Tomek wpadl na taki genialny pomysl. ;]

I really dont know what to say...
... so I wont say anything.

It is cold, I was sleeping in my sweatshirt today and a scarf !!
Tonite is Sebastian b-day in Dragon, big party, I dont feel like going, but everyone is telling me to go, so Im going. And Im going to be beautifull.
And here Zosia is drying her hair with a little heater. He had to leave in 10 minutes so Tomek had this geniuos idea. ;]